Chapter 2

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I watched him walk round the room in suppressed anger and frustration, I silently sighed and grabbed my phone.

He rustled through the closet this time and when Jinke is angry, he goes through his clothes. I let my mind wander back to the book I was editing.

"Did you see my red striped tie?"

I lifted my eyes to look at him. "It should be on the third drawer down of your underwear trolley.
He hissed and muttered astagafurrulah, walked back and began slamming drawers this time. I put my phone down and walked over there, picked it up and walked back to my seat. Only that he held me back.

"Ajike, please don't do this to us, we've loved each other too long for you to spoil it with your silent treatment. I've seen you talk to your mom and friends, you can't keep this up."

I stare at him and smile, gently unhook his hands off mine and walk towards the bed. Says the man who has double standards, says the man who said to me on our wedding night, 'I'll love you for the rest of my life and in Jannah'.

Allah punishes liars doesn't He?

He walks to my side of the bed and lays his head on my stomach like he used to, I let him.

"Get angry if you want, shout if you want but don't forget that you are the only woman I can ever love". I scoffed inwardly, why do men think this phrase moves women. Man, I have gone past that stage and I'm not ready to be fooled again.

" To be honest, I don't feel anger, I feel hurt and disappointed instead."

He jumps up as though having a eureka moment, "Then let's talk about your hurt, you haven't truly talked to me since I told you about it, you haven't talked to my mom either".

I furrowed my brows in growing disdain, I recite a dua to help me cool down before answering. "Am I supposed to jump into your arms knowing that you are going to be another's in a few weeks, is that what you mean?".

Allah knows best what happened, I don't want to ask, I don't want to know. Everytime I've put my knees down in prayer, all I've asked Allah is for patience and wisdom.

Kareema isn't a problem but her mother would have drummed into her that I'm going to be evil and wicked. I'm emotionless about this.

I remember my mother saying when I was going to get married that no matter what, men were not to be trusted, you can never trust men. They set double standards, they flop where love is concerned.

Now I see her standpoint. I see it as clearly as a hawk who sights it's prey.

My mother-in-law calls me twice a day in hopes that I'll forgive her for telling her son to get married to another woman. She had blurted it out once 'mo so fun pe ko wo elomi, mi o ni ko fun loyun'. (I told him to find someone else, I didn't say get her pregnant).

Dirty, scheming people.

She was so unapologetic about her stand that I could never give Jinke children, not knowing her son had caused all these to happen. Men.

I rubbed my temple to stop the growing headache. I looked Jinke in the eyes, "Did you ever love me at all?".

He averts his eyes and begins.
"I love you Ajike, from the very depths of my hearts, you are the only woman I'll ever love. That's why I could never love Kareema even though I'm marrying her"

Who else thinks all these speeches aren't needed, you are a cheat darling that's what you are. My mind screams at him repeatedly..

I turn my body away from his side and turn to my side of the bed. I said my sleeping dua and tried to sleep.

My phone pings with a notification from my prayer app and I see it's a prayer for my husband, I look at him and ask Allah, should I pray for him,

Should I forget the fact that all that had happened is all his fault, I'm not one to snoop around because I like to think that that Gonorrhea incident had taught him well.

I clearly thought wrong.

Does he ever think of me when he lies, how come I didn't see that his eyes contained lies. Allah has to help me.

I trudge to the bathroom to perform my ablution and walked to the prayer room. I began to recite the duas I had seen as prayer for him.

I prayed that Allah see him through, I prayed that he never falters in the service of Allah. I prayed that he never has to feel the sort I'm feeling.

I prayed that Allah gives him pious and obedient children from Kareema because I know I might never be able to give him a child for at least two years from now.

Hi guys,

Thank you all for the love you all have shown Àjíke. I'm eternally grateful. God bless you richly.

You must have noticed that I didn't write an author's note in the previous chapter, I was too excited to show you all my new thoughts.

The last part is dedicated to UmmiAbdull for reading first unedited part and planting the seed that grew into these. I love you sister.

This part is however dedicated to tentimileyin . She made all the very beautiful covers and put up with my indecisiveness. Thank you baby girl.

I truly hope you all enjoyed this chapter, see you next Sunday.

P. S: please tag your friends to read.

                                      Yours Truly

Àjíkè (Book One In The Battered Wives Series) #ProjectNigeriaWhere stories live. Discover now