Going to be Ok

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The rest of the day went past quite fast. If I'm set, I don't really remember anything significant. I'd hung out with Lewis again, that was about it. If someone had told me something important I defiantly didn't remember it.

Anyway, Lewis and I sat on the bus going home again. Well, he was going home I was just a guest. He sat by the window with on every headphone in listening to something, gazing at the raindrops falling on the window - a autumn shower. I looked at my phone, it only had 10% power so I deemed t useless. " what you listening to Lewis?" I asked, desperate for something to distract my mind again.

"Oh its Fall Out Boy, I d-don't know it you know them o-or not, but they're pretty cool"

"I know them, yeah they're good... can I listen with you?"

"Yeah, of course." He passed me one of the headphones. I was happy that we had something else in common and that I had something else to focus on. I leaned my head back and slouched down in my seat. I wanted to see Annie and make sure she was ok. The last thing I wanted was for her to be stressed out and not able to cope. I didn't want dad finding her again. Also, I hated the fact that I had just left mum alone with him, what if he had turned to abusing her? Now I was powerless to stop it.

The bus journey seemed to take less time when I had something to listen to; in what seemed like minuets we were getting off st the stop. The rain began to fall slightly harder now. Lewis put the big hood up on his coat and I put the hood of my hoodie up, it wasn't waterproof but it was better than nothing. We half ran, half walked, to his house. Luckily, the really heavy rain only started after we got inside. We hung up our coats and laughed at our lucky escape Fromm being drenched.

I plugged my phone in in the kitchen so I could actually use it again. I looked at the date on my phone screen, I had completely forgotten it wasn't a Friday. That meant I had the whole weekend to spend with Lewis just chilling. Yes, I would go and see my sister at some point, I didn't have to put up with everyone at school for a couple of days.

Lewis and I went and watched TV in the living room for a bit, it was a great distraction. His living room was quite big and modern. The sofas were brown and super comfy, the TV was mounted on the wall with various games consoles in the cabinet underneath. Just as I was starting to relax a bit, my phone rang. Lewis muted the TV while I unplugged my phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I said putting it to my ear.

"Rhys?" It was Annie.

"Hey sissy. Is everything alright?" I asked walking back into the living room and sitting right in the edge of the sofa.

"Umm, yeah. Rhys, nanny is taking my up north for a bit, you know, to her house in Scotland. So... dad can't..." her voice trailed off, unsure how to finish.

"Yeah, I understand."

"I wanted to let you know, before you came over and panicked because I wasn't there."

"No of course. You're a big girl for me."

"I'm ten now Rhys!"

"I know, I know. I love you sis."

"Love you Rhys" she hung up the phone. She's going to be safe, she wouldn't be have to worry about dad now. I was happy for her, but part of me wanted to stay. If dad found out she had moved a few hundred miles away he'd take it out on mum, then she'd blame me for not being there. Or I'd get hurt trying to help her. Either way, things wouldn't end up my way. But she was safe now, that's what really mattered.

"I-is everything's ok, Rhys?" Lewis asked, he was stood by the door biting the nails of his left hand.

"Yeah, my Grandma is taking my sister up north for a while, so she'll be safe." I sighed a breath of relief, and smiled at him.

"That's good then, isn't it?"

"Yeah it's amazing."

Lewis and I ordered pizza and watched films until late at night. When we decided to go to bed, I went into the kitchen to put the plates in the dishwasher for him. Lewis followed me through to the kitchen and waited by the door. "Night Lewis." I said turning to face him. I went to rub the sleep out on my eyes with both my hands and felt him hug me, putting both his arms around my back. I got knocked back a step as this caught me completely of guard. I put one arm round him and rested the others on the counter. We stayed like this for maybe fifteen seconds before Lewis let go and said, "Night, Rhys." He smiled before running off upstairs.

God... I was really falling for him... I could feel it. The truth was, I didn't mind, I was the going to try and brush it off. Maybe it would actually turn out to be something. I had started inking that, maybe, Lewis liked me. Ut it was all a guess.

I didn't want to loose my closest friend over it...

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