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Nashs POV
Me and Terrence were called to the hospital immediately because Jadee passed out again.

Everyone was really worried and no one knew why she was really in the hospital.

"Excuse me, Who is here for Ms. Zvahl?" A doctor asked and all of us raised our hands. "Ah yes. Before you all see her I need to explain what had happened." The doctor said and grabbed his clipboard.

"So just like last time she had pancreatitis, nerve damage and asphyxia. But she had gotten worse and now has liver, mouth and throat cancer, Dementia, Which means she can't think straight and she most of the time acts underaged. Cirrhosis, Gout and high blood pressure. This is due to overdose of alcohol." He explained.

All of us looked equally terrified and worried.

"Has anyone monitored her drinking habits?" The doctor asked. No one said anything. "Yes, You see due to this overdose she's dying. We tried but we can't do anything to save her. Im sorry for your loss." The doctor said and walked away. Soon her family arrived.

"You all may see her now" The nurse said and we all entered. Jadee was pale and tons of wires were attached to her. She smiled weakly at us.

"Im sorry" She said. Her voice was raspy.

"Jadee.." Her parents said and rushed to her side. Tears were falling down her siblings cheeks.

I looked over and the girls were already crying. I as well was on the verge of tears.

"I know I don't have time to live anymore. This is the end of my life. Dont let my death burden you.. this was meant to happen. I knew I wasnt supposed to have my happily ever after and that everyone else would be happy with their lives. Without me. I love you all very much, you guys were the best friends and family anyone could ever ask for. And all I wished was for you to be proud of me... I love you, Goodbye" she said.

Tears streamed down everyones faces as the monitor went into a straight line and Jadees eyes closed.

"I was always proud of you my daughter" Her dad whispered and held her had tightly. Her twin sister sat on her other side and gripped her hand slightly hugging her.

"I was supposed to be the first to die.. not my little sister." Her eldest sister said as her brother comforted her.

I've had a crush on Jadee for the longest time. Its hard to believe she's gone and she didn't leave us an explanation.

We all went to the apartment to just process what had happened and take a break.

That is when we found a letter.

It said:

Dear whoever is reading this,
Im sure im dead by the time you're reading this. How do I know? Because I placed this letter here before I left to Jazzys house the other day. I know you're asking, Why did I leave without an explanation? Why did she have a drinking problem and why didn't any of us know?

Its because this has been going on since I was 8 years old. Yes 8. I had a drinking problem since I was 8 because everything in my life was hard and when my parents introduced me and my siblings to alcoholic drinks I found that it would help me get rid of my problems easier cause id forget them. I found out that I've had most of these symptoms when I turned 11. How? I had a doctor tell me when we were there for our yearly checkup. I asked him not to tell anyone and he promised he wouldnt.

This went on for even more years and it never stopped. I carry a flask around with me all the time just incase I need to forget something.

The only time I found out everything was worse was when I was 22. A year ago. I had only lived to the age of 23 but those years were good years. I met all of you guys and you changed my life for the better. But you still didn't know about my drinking problem. I never told anyone, you just found out. Its hard I know. But please remember that sometimes you need to let things go. My first friend, my first enemy, Gabrielle Evans. She's in jail right now, In need you guys to tell her about what had happened.

The doctor who had been there since I found out.. Doctor Fred Rick.

Please remember me and don't let this burden you. I love you all and just remember.

Some people were destined not to have their happily ever after

~Jadee Zvahl

All of us were in tears again. Terrence and I volunteered to go to the prison to talk to Gabrielle because no one was stable enough to do anything.

We reached there and I sat in the phone booth where the glass was in between us.

"What do you want?" She asked coldly.

"Jadee passed." I said bluntly.

Her eyes turned from careless into worried "Because of her drinking problem.." she said "Yeah.. she told us in her letter that.. you were her first friend and her first enemy.." I said "I was. I regret everything that I had done to her. She deserved her happy ending but never got it. She was so close to everyone yet she died..." Gabrielle muttered.

"She just wanted us to tell you and.. you deserve to know" I sighed "Thank you.." she said and we placed the phones back into their places.

We walked home and everything else went by slowly. No one really was in a happy mood and no one had the energy to do anything.

What happened to her happily ever after..?
Did I break your heart yet?

I told you Id kill Jadee.

Actually, I hinted everything out ever since Jadee was first introduced.

She was the most childish and her mind set was like she was underaged.

Sometimes she'd act like her age but that was really rare. I had told about her love of vodka.

I had told about her never having a happily ever after in multiple chapters.

I think now you know why.

Whatever you do, Dont drink. Its not a good thing to do and everything mentioned in this chapter, those diseases are real symptoms when you drink too much, those can happen to you in real life.

Everyone deserves a good and happy life. No one deserves to be forgotten and treated like trash.

Hope yall learned some lesson from this:dont drink.

Anyways bye!

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