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Jazzys POV
After a month.

My life was back to normal.

My music career was fine.

I was over at Jadee and Fleurs. We were discussing a new song that they have been writing.

"So. I needed two people to sing this song because its a romance. So. How about you and Anthony?" Jadee asked

I nodded.

"Great! The concerts in two weeks. I'll get everyone else writing songs and you two can record while I can send out some CDs and such to the stores" Jadee said and I left.

I came back home and opened the door.

The scene infront of me was indescribable.

Caroline was on the couch (coach sabgruspe) almost naked.

Anthony was also almost naked ontop of Caroline.

I gasped and it felt like my whole world collapsed.

"Jazzy... I.." Anthony couldn't go on. I slapped his face so hard that he could've gone flying from here to Europe.

"You told me that you loved me.. only me. You said you didn't love Caroline. That it was an accident. Anthony this dosent look like an accident to me!" I said 

"Jazzy.. I can explain." Caroline pleaded.

"Explain what? The fact that you're already pregnant with Anthonys baby yet you're already f***ing him again? I think that's enough explanation for:Jazzy Isn't important to our lives so let's just f*** each other!" I yelled.

They stayed silent.

"I can't trust either of you two anymore... what other secrets have you been hiding from me?" I asked

"Me and Caroline used to date in High School to College.." Anthony said.

"We broke up.." Caroline said

"Obviously. But why did you all of a sudden decide to come over again huh? Why do you think it was necessary to fall in love over again even though you have a girlfriend?!" I yelled to Anthony.

He was about to speak but I beat him to it.

"Dont even start. Dont ever talk to me." I said and slammed the door.

I went back to Jadee and Fleurs place and holy bed sheets this day couldn't get anymore worse.

"Jadees unconscious! Her hearts beating but it isnt fast paced nor normal.. its incredibly slow" Fleur panicked.

"Did you call 911?" I asked. She nodded and Jadee was soon taken away.

I couldnt care less about what happened between Anthony and Caroline. I only cared if Jadee was going to live or not.

"Okay. She isn't dead. She will wake up by tomorrow. Its all just stress. She apparently has been living off of coffee for the past few days that her system couldn't handle it and just passed out" the doctor explained

Thank the Lord.

"What happened between you and Ant?" Fleur asked "Same as last time." I sighed

"Out of all the lies Ive heard... I love you was my favorite." I said

Fleur comforted me for the rest of the time.

Honestly, I didn't care about Anthony anymore.

No more.
40th Chapter Celebration!

My book is really bad I don't know how it has like 700 reads.

Suckish like me and my life I know.

Can yall comment on some ideas for the book that you'd like to happen? Thanks!

Anyways Matchy Matchy Ishy out!

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