Magnus and Alexander were what kept Isabelle sane and she couldn't imagine life without them. Especially after the fact that she had recently lost her love–Caige

They wished to be married, but Caige was no Angel. He was a mere foot-soldier with whom the princess had fallen in love. 

Lilith was extremely against letting her daughter marry a man of lower class.

The day Lilith got to know about Raziel's indiscretions. She was on her way to leave for Edom when Caige was guarding the wards. 

Caige, knowing that Lilith leaving would break Izzy, tried to stop her. 

But in her anger, Lilith killed him without thinking twice. Lilith couldn't see anything outside her agony and hatred–not even the pain her daughter would endure on seeing Caige dead. 

Lilith was gone and Caige was dead and now, Alexander and Magnus were leaving along.

Isabelle didn't know why, or what they wanted with a place like Downworld–hell, she didn't even care. All she wanted was to not let the two go. 

Raziel had been distant lately and Isabelle would be left with no one if they left as well.

"They've made their decision, Isabelle. Let them go." Raziel said in a stern voice as Alec glared at the ground with his lips pressed in a thin line.

Isabelle shook her head vigorously, "No. I can't let you go. Please, you're all I have left Alec. Magnus? Please don't leave me." Isabelle pleaded, taking her older brother's hand in hers.

Alec looked at her with glassy eyes. It was as difficult for him as it was for her. He still remembered how big of an honor being her twin brother was to him. 

He had always vowed to not let anything hurt her, her single tear made him want to turn the realm upside down and now, when he was leaving her–his heart ached at the loss. 

The Lightwood siblings were hard to separate and if one was in pain, the other won't stop until they were happy again. 

But now Alec himself was the one putting her in pain and it was becoming difficult for him to remind himself that this had to done.

With a heavy heart, Alexander cupped Isabelle's cheek and planted a kiss on her forehead as tears rolled down from his tightly shut eyes. 

Isabelle's sobs didn't stop and when she felt him take a step back, she tightened her grip on his hand looking at him with a pained look.

Alec and Magnus had similar expressions as they began walking towards the portal to the Downworld

Magnus' head was hung low as he couldn't meet the look of betrayal in Isabelle's eyes.

They were leaving her alone–despite what she did or how many times she wailed for them to stay.

"Goodbye, Izzy," Alec said as he and Magnus stood inside the portal and it began to close itself.

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