34; Angel and The Bad Boy Fight

Start from the beginning

I looked down at the floor. "So you want to still see other people?" I asked and he rubbed his eyes and groaned.

"I don't know, fucking hell!" He almost yelled at me.

"Well you're the one that got all pissed off when you thought I was with Wren again! You punched him for fucks sake and then slept with Penny because you were so mad," I didn't know why the curse words had come out but the way he played with my emotions made me infuriated and he knew it.

"I get jealous, yes. But I don't know what I want yet! I don't want you to be my fucking girlfriend, okay?" He yelled back at me.

"Why do you do this?" He tried to walk away again but I found myself shouting after him.

"Do what, Esme?" His voice was loud and booming and usually my anxiety would be taking over and causing my body to shut down, but the adrenaline was causing me to fight back.

"Why do you have an intimate moment or night with me and then push me away as soon as you realise what happened? Are you scared of getting too close to someone? Are you worried or something?" I asked and looked at him with hopeless eyes. "Because I can't keep dealing with these mood swings. One minute you're cuddling me and you're letting me do things to you that I've never done to anyone else and then the next minute you're telling me you might want to see other people, and then you get mad when you even think I've been with someone else! Which one is it Kyle?" I snapped.

"I don't know and it's driving me crazy!" He screamed. I was happy we were in a place where nobody lived because otherwise we would definitely get a noise complaint or have gotten an audience by then. "I have never liked someone like this and it's fucking scary, I don't want to be your boyfriend yet in case it all ends and I'm left hurt. I'm not a guy that gets hurt by girls, ever," he laughed.

"Well whilst you're stopping yourself from getting hurt, you're hurting me. Stop giving me all these mixed signals or I will give up before we've even started. I don't mind if you're not ready yet but stop being so intimate with me and then getting mad at me the next day, I've done nothing wrong and that's not fair on me!" I snapped.

"I told you I'm not good at this, so get over it," he turned around and continued walking, probably assuming I would just follow him but instead I walked across the road and started to head the way that the taxi took me so I didn't have to be left alone with him.

I walked for a good minute until I heard footsteps behind me. "What the hell are you doing? The walk home is like an hour long!" He yelled at me but I continued walking and crossed the road when I needed to. "Esme stop ignoring me," I finally turned around to face him.

"What? Are you here to upset me again?" I asked him and he sighed.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt you. I'm just shit at this," he sighed and held out his hand for me to take.

"We can talk about this some other time, I know you're not ready but don't keep pushing me away like that," I told him and took his hand gratefully.

We walked to Calvin's house and before grabbing the car we knocked on the door so that Kyle could apologise to his best friend. We waited a couple of minutes before the door opened and Jenna appeared. "Jen?" I laughed and she smiled brightly when she saw me.

"Essie!" She clapped her hands. "George and I stayed over here last night, and Kyle if you want to apologise to Calvin he is in the living room."

Kyle nodded at Jenna and then walked into the house so that he could find his friend, as soon as he was out of sight Jenna slapped my arm. "Why the hell are you with him?" She smirked as if she knew something.

"No reason," I cheekily grinned and then she squealed.

"Have you banged?" She asked with a massive smile on her face.

"No, but we have messed around a bit," I felt my face flushing red but she just kept getting more excited and clapping her hands.

"We need a girly night to talk about this shit, come over to mine tonight?" She pleaded and I sighed and nodded. "We haven't had a girl's night in so long, I'm so excited!"

"I can't wait," I smiled and accepted her hug which crushed every last bone in my body.

"Are you ready to go Angel?" I heard Kyle ask halfway through the hug, luckily Jenna let go of me and then looked over at Kyle with a knowing smirk on her face. "Nice to see you again, Jenna," he awkwardly said with her gaze on him and slowly moved past her.

"You two have fun," she winked at me and I flushed a brighter red before rushing out of the house. "See you tonight babe!" She called to me and I waved back to her in response before climbing into Kyle's car and clipping my seatbelt in.

"What did you say to her?" He sighed and I shrugged.

"She's my best mate, I just told her the truth," I replied honestly.


"Why can't I? She's not going to tell anyone," I rolled my eyes. "Are you that ashamed of hooking up with me?"

The argument had resumed from earlier and so I crossed my arms and looked out of the window silently as he drove us back to the houses. Neither of us said a thing on the way back and finally we got to his driveway and I started to get out when he stopped me by holding onto my arm. "Come on Esme," he sighed.

"No. We're not together so you don't need to worry about my feelings, now if you don't mind I might go and see Wren today," I knew I was being a child in trying to upset him but I was mad that he treated me like one of his play toys.

"Why would you say that to me?" He snapped at me and shoved his door open violently. I climbed out of my side and walked around the car, heading towards my house. "Are you actually going to see him?" He called after me.

"Of course I'm not, because I like you! I'm not you, Kyle, I've made up my mind but it seems you still need a bit of time," I shook my head and then walked towards the house so that I could try and explain to my dad where I had been all night.

However, when I got to the door instead of it being my father standing with his arms crossed with a look of disappointment, it was Spencer. "What the hell do you think you're doing, Esmeralda?" Spencer asked with disappointment laced through his voice.

"I'm allowed to do what I want," I sighed and pushed past him to get into the house.

"This isn't you, Esme. You don't sneak out to be with boys or come back in the early morning dressed in last nights clothes," he sighed at me.

"Maybe this is me now," I turned to face him. "I've always been a good girl because I was too scared to go against what mom and dad said but maybe I'm happier now going out and being a bit more free. So leave me the hell alone," I felt awful for talking back to Spencer but I was stressed and tired and just needed a nap.

I walked up to my bedroom and threw my bag on the floor before crawling into my bed so that I could have a nap. I glanced over at my open curtains and saw Kyle walking into his bedroom and peeling off his shirt, I couldn't help but watch as his muscles flexed when he chose a new shirt and replaced the old one.

I tore my gaze away after a few minutes and turned around to get some sleep. Stupid boys.

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