15; Angel's Best Friend?

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        Kyle opened the door for me and kindly aided me through as I was still weak from my fainting back in the park. "Why the hell is that freak here?" Penny asked from the bottom of the stairs.

"Her name is Esme, not freak. She's here because we're hanging out," Kyle replied sharply. "I should be asking you why you're here."

She rolled her eyes. "I was bored and wanted to hook up. Your mom and sister went out for some thing that brat wanted," she stepped forwards and looked at me. "You can go now."

I looked at Kyle and then back at her. "Rose isn't a brat," I told her with a glare. "She's a good girl and you should show her some respect if you're serious about staying close with her brother," my voice was quiet and shaky but I knew I had to stand up for my new sister-like friend.

"Who the fuck was talking to you?" She snapped at me.

"You were? Do you not remember telling me to 'go now'? I think that was directed at me," I snarkily replied. Kyle's eyes widened but his arm remained tightly around my waist.

"Freak's grown some balls," she laughed bitterly. "Whatever. I don't even care. Let's go upstairs Kyle," she nodded to the stairs and he declined with a simple shake of the head. "Kyle come on."

"Actually, I was just going to grab my wallet and then Angel and I are going somewhere," he shrugged and then looked over at me. "I'm just going to grab my wallet, wait here for me yeah?"

"Sure," I strained a nod. I honestly just wanted to get into my bed after the evening I had but I knew he was trying to do what was best for me. I watched him turn around and sprint up the stairs to his bedroom whilst Penny glared at me.

She groaned. "When are you going to see that you're no good for him, Freak? You have been hanging around him and he for some odd reason likes you. But listen closely to me, you're ruining his reputation every second you are around him. He's popular, he's attractive and can get anyone he wants and you're you, Esme. You need to back off," she snapped at me with her finger right in my face.

"You're right," I told her quietly. She smirked and stepped backwards when we both heard Kyle walking back down the stairs.

"Ready to go Esme?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"I actually suddenly don't feel too well so I'm going to head home," I told him and turned around to head for the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked me.

"Home," I told him without turning around to look him in the eye. I was hoping and praying he didn't reveal to Penny that I was actually living with them but when he paused for a moment, I knew what he was going to do.

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