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I was starting to feel like bella in twilight. I don't know how she managed to stay in her room for months. its not even two weeks and I'm already going crazy. Trying to heal a broken heart is depressing . All you do is replay all the devastating events that happened.

I know I needed to get out of here, this room reminded me of how much I missed Nathan. My head was starting to spin because I'd cry because I missed Nathan, cry because of what Ricky did and lastly cry because of Tracy. I still don't know if I should forgive Tracy or not and I've been going back and forth with it that I just couldn't think about it anymore.

"Thats it!" I said pulling the covers from my face. "I'm going out"

I got up from my bed and went into my bathroom to take a shower. even though there was daylight and it wasn't possible for Brad to see me through the curtains I still dressed in my bathroom, I just didn't know what stunt he would pull out.

I wore my yellow sponge bob t-shirt, short denim shorts and white converse. And...I brushed my hair for the first time in a week and pulled it up in a messy bun.

I walked up to my window and opened the curtains. Brad's window was open, but his curtains were still closed and I couldn't see him, but the loud depressing punk rock music was a give away that he was in his room.

"Brad!" I called out, and he didn't answer.

"Brad?" still no answer.

"BRAD!!" guess what? Yep, still no answer.

"I need something hard" I said looking around my room. "Bingo!" I walked up to my dresser and picked up my wooden hair brush."this should work" i said with a evil smile.

Good thing I was good at aiming so I aimed the brush at Brad's window and threw it with everything I got into Brad's room.

"Holy Sh*t!!bloody sherlock, What the f*cking hell???" Brad cursed opening his curtains looking pretty pissed.

"Oops?" I said with a sheepish smile.

"That doesn't stop the pain." He said with a pout rubbing his head. What a big baby!

" you want to go out, a-and hang out or something?"I asked him looking anywhere but at him. I've never asked a guy out on a date, BUT! its not like I was asking him out on a date, I just wanted to hang out with him, right?

"Are you asking me out on a date miss piggy?" he smirked at me.

"No!" I yelled.

"Yep, its totally a date"

"its no-"

"meet me at my car in five minutes" he said cutting me off and closing his curtains before I could deny it.

"its not a date" I said under my breath.

I walked out oh my room and headed downstairs. I heard a male voice as I approached the kitchen.

"Dad?" I asked unsure stopping on my tracks.

"Honey! I missed you so much" he opened his arms for me and I ran up to him and gave him the tightest hug.

"I'm so happy you are back home, I missed you so much" I said getting out of his embrace. "you should really stop taking these trips dad, you are really over working yourself"

"What are you talking about?" my dad asked confused raising his eyebrow at me.

"umm...the business trip duh" I guess my dad didn't want to accept the fact that he was getting old.

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