The gang

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Umm yoongi your gang is not working
He looked at me saying what's do you mean
"Yoongi your gang has stopped  working since the day you guy killed or what ever happened "
He looked at me and started smiling
"What's wrong ? "I said 
"Baby girl they didn't stop they are working under radar cuz there boss isn't there "
I was shocked so it's still on the BTS is still out there
"Yes baby but how do you Know all of this ?" He asked confused.
With a little smile on my face and you can see that's it's a sad one "  my dad used to work to   a gang called the ghost but that end his and moms life I was living alone all my life I work as an underground fighter in a fighting club it helped me to get money for my   Education I go to school in the morning and work in the nigh that's all you need to know  about me
Yoongi for now "I said sadly but still smiling "damn baby" he hugged me after a moment he looked at me "  ok well I'm taking you with me don't worry my gang is really warm you'll feel like you're in home " he smiled deeply like he is trying to make my pain go
" if I say no well you leave without me?" "Hell baby girl you're coming with me "
Well the boss is coming back "

Boss is coming

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