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I don't remember having any dreams that night, but I know that it was the most peaceful sleep I have gotten in what seems like forever.  I wake up warm and relaxed, my one arm still wrapped around Floyd, the other resting right above his head on the pillow.  I take an amazing, deep breath that fills my lungs entirely with fresh air.  After I've done this, Floyd turns around to face me, clearly rested, a sign that he's been up for a while now.  His hair is completely disheveled, but his eyes are bright with excitement for the day to come. 

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," he teases me with a smirk, "If you slept any longer, I was gonna make Ollie wake you up."

I let out a light laugh.

"I'd rather not wake up to his morning breath, if that's fine with you," I joke back, my voice raspy from sleep.

"Hm," Floyd gives a short laugh and smirks again.  He moves in such a way that I think he's going to hug me.  My body tingles for a second, waiting for his touch, but then he sits up, and the feeling immediately goes away.  I try to hide my disappointment.

"Alright, soldier, it's time to get ready to head out.  We're going to see Commander Jameson and the rest of your buds today," he says in an authoritative tone.

I moan and hide myself under the covers, "Five more minutes, please!"  I've been in much higher spirits since I got here, and I don't want to leave yet.

Floyd messes with my hair that sticks out from under the covers, "God, you've been sleeping forever!  It's time to get up!"

I groan, secretly enjoying the massage, my body tingling.

"Don't make me get Ollie to slobber all over you,"  he threatens me, but I can tell he's smiling.

I fake a large gasp, "You wouldn't dare!"

He laughs evilly, and speaks in a calm villain's voice, "Oh, but I would, dear Metias.  As a matter of fact, I'm going to call out his name right now, and, knowing him, he will be up here at lightning speed."

"Fine! Fine!"  I give in and sit up quickly, wanting to avoid Ollie's tongue now more than ever.

"Finally!" Floyd says, and stands up from the bed like a spring, "Now let's go eat.  I'm fucking starving."

When he says this, I notice that my stomach feels pretty empty too, so I get up and follow him.  We head back downstairs as Ollie trots behind.  He tries to run ahead of us, but I block his path so he doesn't end up knocking us over.

When we reach the kitchen, Floyd opens his pantry to reveal a wild mesh of everything from grains and carbs to vegetables and condiments.  I'm pretty sure some of the stuff in there is supposed to be refrigerated, but I don't say anything.

"Welp, the choices for breakfast I have for today seem to be either a bagel or some unbranded cereal," he explains to me, still looking in the pantry.  It almost makes me laugh when he says this, because he made it sound like he didn't already know what he had.  Maybe he didn't.  He's not the most responsible guy to live on his own.

"Do you have any cream cheese or butter I can put on the bagel?"  I ask him.

He thinks for a second, but can't seem to remember, because he walks over to the small fridge that is next to the pantry, and opens it.  He scans the shelves in the fridge, whistling the entire time.  God, he's adorable.   He suddenly stops whistling, indicating that he's found something, then looks over at me.

"We have butter and grape jam," he says proudly with a goofy smile.  My feel my chest seize up with emotion from just looking at him.

I give him a smile, trying to look nonchalant and not like he just took my heart with a smile, "Sweet, that'll work.  Thanks."

Walk in the Light, Junebug (Legend Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now