I glimpsed someone at the back of the room and made eye contact. It was Josh. He ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

"I was so worried about you!" he told me, "I was worried that you hadn't got to Nico."

"Same," I told him, letting go, "I heard what happened to a few others once I left, and hoped you hadn't been caught in it just because of me. I would have marched right back if I had heard they were treating you like they did me."

He had a few bruises on his face and some cuts. I was examining them when he grabbed my arm, making me flinch harshly.

"What happened?" he was looking at the words now permanently on my arm.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." I said, my voice weak, "And Lucius Malfoy. Not long after the Carrows."

"Are you OK?" he asked me, hugging me gently.

"I'm fine. I think. But I've got to leave soon, I have to get the army ready," I told him.

I looked over his shoulder to see Nico kissing someone. It looked like a Ravenclaw called Rosie Hunter. I smiled. It seemed he finally found someone.

"But... You can't go!" Josh looked shocked, "Please."

"I have to. I don't want to, but I must," I told him as the door opened again, "I promise I will come back, we will both get through this and we will live happily together. But if I don't go, that can never happen."

It was Dean and Luna. They were then followed by Ginny, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan. Cho Chang followed closely behind. Harry left to look at a statue of Ravenclaw to get an idea of what the Horcrux to do with her would look like.

Nico and his new girlfriend came over and I looked at him.

"I've got to go now. I'm sorry, I wish there was another way," I headed for the ladder.

"Be safe," Josh called and I smiled.

I made my way through the passage again and got to Aberforth's bar.

"Merlin's pants. Take this broom, it should get you out of here fast enough," he thrust a newish looking broomstick at me.

"Thanks, sir," I rushed upstairs and jumped out the window, soaring into the sky.

The alarm didn't go off this time, I was too fast. I circled slowly downwards until I got to the cave.

Silence fell through the werewolves as I walked in.

"This is it," I told them, "We need to be ready."

They all stood up and Jesse walked towards me.

"We're ready to stand by you," he told me, "Just tell us what to do."

We started getting prepared to go to war when an owl arrived. I read the letter and turned to the others.

"He's on his way, we have to go now," I told them.

I gave them the power to transform and then we were all wolves. I growled orders and they all followed me towards the castle. Death Eaters and Giants were making their way across the bridge as we charged down. All the students were standing, ready, when they saw us.

I heard screams as we pushed Death Eaters off of the bridge and barrelled towards the students. We stopped just before we got to them and made a barrier around them. We weren't planning on letting the Death Eaters get to them without a fight.

Someone grabbed my fur and I turned around. It was Remus.

"Molly, you don't have to do this," he told me but I grunted and turned back to the front.

The students were looking at us in fear and the Death Eaters were advancing. I howled loudly and we charged. Spells flew past us as we attacked the Death Eaters, trying to protect students. I saw a Death Eater point their wand at Josh's back and I leapt onto them.

"Thanks," called Josh, turning around.

I was suddenly hit by a spell. I flew forwards, over Josh's head. I landed next to Remus, who was battling Antonin Dolohov. I saw him turn slightly to glance at me and check how I was, then a flash of green. He then dropped down next to me.

I heard a terrible scream, then another flash of light. Dolohov was down too, with Tonks standing behind him with her wand raised. She fell down next to Remus and gripped him tightly. I couldn't believe it.

I was frozen in shock and it took me a few second to register what happened.

Remus was dead.

I heard an evil cackle behind me and another flash of green, then Tonks collapsed on top of Remus. I gave an anguished howl and turned around. Bellatrix was stood there, laughing away, shooting jets of green light everywhere. What about Teddy? He would grow up with no parents.

I would fight for him.

I stood up and charged into the swarms of people, chucking them into walls. I became human again and drew my wand, casting curses left, right, and centre.

Hogwarts: The Final Battle - BOOK 7 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now