11: The Battle

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We climbed higher and higher, with no means of steering the dragon. We seemed to have no idea of when or how to dismount the dragon, as it seemed intent on getting as far away from its prison as possible.

After quite a long time, the dragon seemed to begin losing height. It was getting closer and closer to a lake, so we decided to jump. We hit the lake hard. Gasping for air, we swam towards the bank and got out. We changed into dry clothes, then sat down, drinking the bottles of pumpkin juice we had packed. Everything had seemed to happen in such a short space of time that I was still struggling to comprehend it all.

They had managed to retrieve the Horcrux, but it seemed as though Griphook had taken the sword. Harry suddenly looked at us.

"He knows. He knows and he's going to check where the others are," Harry stood up, "and the last one is at Hogwarts. I knew it."

"We need to go," I stood up with him, "If he realises the locket and ring are gone, he'll surely move the one at Hogwarts. We don't have much time."

"But how are we going to get in?" asked Nico.

"We'll go to Hogsmeade," Harry said, "and try to work something out when we see the protection around the school."

We Apparated to Hogsmeade. As soon as we touched the ground, an alarm screeched, tearing through the streets. The door of the Three Broomsticks burst open and a dozen Death Eaters dashed into the street, wands raised.

Luckily, we all fit under the cloak and could not be seen. It was a tight squeeze, but, by crouching, we managed to remain hidden. The Death Eaters were confused and we had to find a way out before they accidentally bumped into us.

Suddenly, the air grew cold.

"Dementors," I hissed.

We tried to Disapparate, but it was impossible. We ran down a back street and Harry cast his Patronus. The Death Eaters hurtled towards us, but a door opened and someone dragged us inside.

"Upstairs, keep the cloak on, stay quiet," they said as they walked onto the street.

Our saviour argued with the Death Eaters until they left. It was the Hog's Head barman. He came back in and started speaking to the others about their mission. I turned to Nico, I didn't have any time to waste.

"Listen, I have to go. If we're going to Hogwarts, that's where it's going to start. I'll have to get them prepared," I told him, determination clear in my voice.

The barman, who seemed to have saved us on multiple occasions and was also Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth, turned to me.

"You're not leaving until you've had some food and got some rest," he told us.

He got some food and we devoured it in minutes.

Whilst Aberforth was talking to the others, I sat in silence. I wanted to join them in Hogwarts, so I could see Josh and help them with the defences, but I had to go to the army. I needed to get them ready for the fight. I desperately wanted to confront Snape as well, find out what the hell was going on. But it would have to wait, I could do it afterwards.

The door to a portrait opened suddenly and Neville was standing there. Nico took my arm and dragged me through the portrait.

"You can deal with the army later. Right now, you are coming with me," he said, dragging me down the passageway behind the others.

We came to a door and Neville pushed it open.

There were screams and yells as we climbed down a ladder into a room filled with people. The hangings on the wall were of all the houses, and the room was filled with hammocks. We were in the Room of Requirement.

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