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I awoke to a sharp pain across my cheek.

I opened my eyes, and spluttered water out of my lungs.

"Moba." Anya muttered.

Although she didn't seem very sorry.

I let out a small whimper as the explosive pain in my leg met me.

The sun was bright in my eyes, and I could here the river rushing a few feet away.

"At least let me set the bones."

I heard Clarke plead.

I sat up, and when I turned to Clarke I found that her wrists were bound.

She sent me an urgent look, and I avoided further eye contact.

Anya let out a grunt.

"I may not be a healer, but I know how to set a broken bone."

She said, kneeling beside me.

I bit back a yelp as she shifted the break in my lower leg, but I couldn't help a screech when she moved to the second break in my upper leg.

My entire leg throbbed, in the most pain I had ever experienced. Physically anyway.

Anya ripped a large portion if her shirt, and grabbed a nearby branch.

I withheld whimpers of pain as she splinted my leg.

"We have to go,"

Anya told me, pulling me to my feet- err foot.

I didn't exactly want to walk on a broken leg, but I had no choice.

Anya roughly hoisted Clarke to her feet, and we marched (or in my case painfully limped) towards the nearest Trikru village.

"Hestia you have to help me."

Clarke pleaded.

I sighed.

"Clarke even if I were physically able to overpower Anya, my loyalties lie with my people. You of all people should understand that."

I told her.

I almost let out a sick laugh as I realized that the way things had gone, I could've gotten this far easily without Clarke's help.


Two hours later, I was wondering how much farther I could go, my leg almost pushing me to tears of agony. Occasionally black spots graced my vision, but I should my head vigorously, determined to keep going.

"Anya, we've been walking for hours."

Clarke groaned, making me roll my eyes. She was one to complain.

"Where are we going?"

She demanded.


Anya ordered, yanking Clarke's bonds forward.

"Why not just kill me and get it over with?"

Clarke questioned.

"You can tell the commander what the Mountain Men are doing to us in there."

Anya told her plainly.

I yelped, as my foot caught on a root.

I sent Anya an apologetic look.

"So let's work together. We don't have to be enemies."

Clarke reasoned.

"And unite with someone as weak as you? I have what I need."

Anya scoffed.


Clarke said, stopping.

"We both want the same thing."

Shouts came from down the ridge, and all three of us froze.

"Get down."

Anya hissed, dragging Clarke down with her.

"They found us."

I muttered, seeing the men in hazmat suits.


I ordered, hobbling to my feet.


"How are they still following us?"

Clarke demanded an hour later when we heard them again.

I frowned.

I really made no sense, we were leaving no tracks, per Anya's orders we were covered in mud, they shouldn't have found us again.

"Because of you."

Anya said turning to Clarke.

"Time to end this."

Anya said, turning to strike Clarke.

"Wait! Anya, I am stepping where you step. I'm covered in mud. We're not leaving a trail."

Clarke pleaded.

"They're following something."

I responded, hoping Clarke had any ideas.

"They're not following us... They're tracking us. Search yourself. If I'm right, it should feel like a a small bump just under your skin."

I searched myself for tags. To my memory I'd never been operated on in Mt. Weather, but I checked in case.

"It's you."

Clarke said, as Anya found a small bump on her forearm.


Clarke said thinking.

"I could remove it, but you need to untie my hands. I just need something sharp and sterile."

I scoffed.

"Clarke where are we gonna find something ster-"

I stopped what I was saying when Anya bit into her arm, ripping the tracker out with her teeth.

I winced.

"Well, that works."

I muttered, leaning against a tree.

"I will not go back there."

She stated, spitting the tracker into the dirt.

And with that, we continued.


An hour passed and i wasn't sure if I could go on.

My head spun, and my tongue felt like lead as I tried to say something to Anya.

"I don- fel-"

Was all a managed before my vision darkened too much, my head got too light.

A was vaguely aware that I'd fallen, as I saw Clarke shouting.

Everything slipped away, and I was gone.

Dun, dun, DUUUUN!!!!!
I've got 99 problems, and what to buy my family for Christmas is 1.
Happy holidays guys, I hope you like this chapter.

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