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So here is how my story began.

I was 4, and a raiding party attacked my settlement.

My family cowered in our hut, but I needed a closer look at these.. mountain men.

My mother screamed for me to come back, but just as I began to turn, I heard a thunk.

I looked down at my feet where a small shiny thing had landed.

It seemed harmless.

Then white smoke began to pour out of it.

And that's when fear finally struck me.

It smelled so sweet I felt sick, as the world spun and the ground came closer, and closer.

I looked up and saw something, it wore a mask, and it most definitely was not trikru.

It was a mountain man.

Then I saw nothing.


When I woke up at first all I could hear was watery mumbles, then my hearing cleared.

"Are you sure this is wise?"

I glanced around.

I was in a room so white my eyes stung.

"Jenna and Mark will never be whole if we don't do this."

I searched for where the voices were coming from.

A door, or at least it looked like a door, with a hole in it.

"It won't replace Mari."

"She is a child, I wont drain something so weak. You were a fool to bring her, you know she's not a proper specimen. Jenna and Mark will raise her as their own, we'll explain to her that we rescued her from poverty, and she's in a better place now."

And just like that, I was adopted by the mountain men.

Mountain Child/Raven ReyesWhere stories live. Discover now