Two Gangs And a Golden Girl

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This book is written by Holly Shmit and holy shiz this story is THE SHIZ. 

okay that was lame. Moooving on....






All the EMOTIONS this book has made me go through is insane as well as embarrassing on my part. I have laughed until tears came out. I have screamed so loud my parents came in to check on me. There were moments where I was SOBBING but GIGGLING at the same time. My sister probably thinks I need to go to a mental asylum.

This book will probably take a while to read with all the reactions it causes. (A while as in a few days) There are also about A MILLION plot twists that messed up my brain (as well as my heart). So it is A LOT to take in.

Oh ya the rating. I'll give it about.... 1000/10

I am honestly obsessed with the author and all the characters in the book. Just a warning tho.. this story is A LOT to take in and it can sometimes make you aggravated towards the author BUT please don't send hate or say anything that would make her upset. I've noticed a few of these and it is completely unnecessary. She has gracefully blessed you with this book so have a cookie  and show nothing but love~

 And remember that some of the thump-thump breaking events that occur in this book is what makes it realistic and amazing.

Uhf okay I need to stop rambling. 

Here ya go.


"I didn't ask to be in the middle of your ego-battle," I grumble.

Blake pins me to my locker, hands resting on either side of my head. "Well, you got it in anyway, Darling," he whispers. His face is inches away from mine and damn me for licking my lips.

I am NOT falling for these guys.

And then, at the corner of my eye I spot Owen and his gang approaching.

Well, that's just great.


The West and East gang of Tygerwell have been at each other's throats since the dawn of time. And the two leaders of these gangs want to end the fight, once and for all.

But fighting with fists is easy. Fighting with wit and charm, is a whole other ball game.

Blake. West-side gang leader. Leather jacket and killer glare. Don't talk back.

Owen. East-side gang leader. Fancy coat and toxic stare. Don't resist.

And in comes Amber. Hair of gold and oceans in her eyes. Has paint on everything she wears and always, ALWAYS, manages to get into the middle of trouble.

"She's a golden storm"

But these badboys have no idea who they're really dealing with. Amber is determined to break all the cliche's.

Three can play this game.


"Let's settle this. You got rejected, I got rejected. It's only fair that the fate of the gangs be on who gets the girl first."

"That sounds rather good, Rhodes. I'll take that bet on the golden girl."


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