Men in Tights

549 4 0

Okay here's the thing......I have been re-reading this book since it had 200k reads....and I was stupid enough to not make a review about it yet so here it is. ^.^

That was basically pointless. Idk why I wrote that. ANYWAYS.......


This book/series will be my favorite triology for a looooooooooooong time. I haven't seen any books like this anywhere on wattpad and the way the author writes it is just..WOW!

It has: Adventure,action,romance,comedy, sort of sci-fi ish. Basically it has a Lot of genres rolled into one book witch is AMAZING. The storyline and the plot is so have no idea how much I have read this and I never got bored of it. It's one of those books that will never Fail to please you.

Since I have read a lot of books on wattpad. I can kind of tell the difference between a:
good book- a book that you would enjoy and might add to your reading list

A GREAT BOOK- a book that will get you feeling excited and makes you feel like you're in the book as the main character. This book will be re-read MANY MANY times.

And I am pleased to say that this is a GREAT BOOK

SO thank you author for writing a GREAT BOOK. And congratulations again on getting published for one of your short stories. Btw.... Where can I get a Rylan and do you happen to know if he exists in real life. XD


It's a bird! It's a plane! It's...some doofus dressed in spandex. The only attention Abby Hamilton enjoys is a standing ovation after a Morriston High School musical. With a father who runs one of America's most beloved cities and a vigilante brother with thousands of screaming fans, Abby never cared for following their footsteps and becoming a public figure. But when havoc is wrecked on Abby's hometown, a new superdork becomes her personal stalker, and feelings arise for a mysterious stranger, Abby Hamilton is about to step into an entirely new kind of spotlight.When it comes to fighting crime, there is only one rule: Trust no one.


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