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Focusing on the paced noises and bright colors coming from the machinery placed around me. It was very conspicuous as to where I was at rest, but this only deepened suspicions and confusions streaming around my thoughts.

The heavy feeling of my left leg spoke book parts I didn't have to look down to see, that there was a cast around the leg, If I Just paid attention while I performed I wouldn't have made a fall from 1,5-2 Meters high ( 4.9 - 6.5 feet).

However, I still need hell wanted to know who Yuna the girl out of my dream was and if I could figure out where she'd be, I wanted an answer had she died was that why the room was empty in my dream of did she just go home, the idiocy of this was so big that I had fallen in love with I girl that my mind made up - how stupid, isn't it?

I stood up from where I was resting,  searching almost blindly for no soul, in particular, almost immediately leading myself to be met with the choice of how I will move around. A wheelchair sat near my hospital bed, and so did a pair of crutches that laid in the wheelchair. 

Deciding to use the crutches, I began reaching over to them, then using them to help support my body as I got up to my feet. Not too long afterward I pulled away from the machine, the sound of a flat line now echoed, and the nurse and a doctor storming into the room.

Both the nurses and the doctor were surprised, they probably thought I wouldn't wake up. I just have a broken leg. I'm not dead, I walked away through the hallway without noticing other patients lying in beds or walking past me.

I kept walking, minding my own business and simply thinking to myself, that is until I stopped in a space moderately larger than the other part of the hallway that I was briskly pacing down. 

I naively wished that once I turned my head away from the window, Yuna, the love of my life, would appear in front of me. As I turned my head, getting my hopes up, what I wanted to happen the most never availed in happening. Longing to see her, despite the set rules and regulations I had to follow, I sauntered outside to find the girl I've been in search of.

When outside I sat down on the bench closing my eyes letting the rays of sun hit my face hoping my dream would come true yet when I opened my eyes there was no one besides me,  feeling my heart sligtly break I let out a sigh and just decided to sit there and do nothing. 
I quietly sat there as the sunshine on my face and felt myself become fuzzy and warm inside I was about to fall asleep on the bench, nevertheless, someone's voice came from next to me making me smile. It was a voice as soft as a cloud.

I opened me to see Yun- nevermind it was Namjoon Hyung I sight, I am such a fool for falling for someone that's not even real, my hopes, they are high, however, I should keep them small but it's so hard I wanted Yuna to be there I beautiful Idea the wouldn't come true.

Namjoon had his arm around me while we sat on the back outside of the building hoping I could leave as fast as possible.

Even if I had just woken up the sky changed into soft purples, punk blues, and blacks. I smiled. This moment of peace shouldn't end as fast as it did. 

The silence abruptly ended as suddenly J-hope and V came along, I was deeply disappointed until I heard another voice which I couldn't link to a person I knew or used to. 

With a sweep so harsh that my head could have popped off I looked up to my left to find someone I didn't know, together with another person we knew perfectly Lee Ji Hoon; Seventeen's shortest member and a producer to add on more he's a part of the vocal and leader subunit.

The girl had deep Brown eyes with dark hair and fair skin. She captured all the Korean beauty standards perfectly. 

I caught myself staring just a bit too long, grabbing their attention, as the girl walked slightly closer before stopping " hey, why are you staring at me and Ji-hoon Oppa?" She asked softly with a bit of iteration of her voice.

Suddenly with a snap of a finger,  I forgot who I was, while my eyes wandered to someone behind the girl and Ji-hoon I held my breath.

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