Chapter 9

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~Crystal's POV~

I woke up the next day next to Preston. I got up quietly so I wouldn't wake him. When I walked into the living room Mitch, Jerome, Mari, Andrea, and Lauren were on the floor.

"Hey, wake up you have school!" I yell/whisper to Lauren.

"Hmm, wha-, One day won't kill us" She says and her eyes close. I roll my eyes and decided to make breakfast for everyone. I was making bacon and pancakes. My head was hurting a little.


Everyone was sitting around in the living room just talking.

"Hey, where'd Mat go?" Andrea asked. I put my head down and didn't say anything.

"I kicked him out" Mitch said.

"Why?" Lauren asked. Mitch leaned over to her ear and I guess he told her. "THAT MOTHER FUCKER!" she yelled.

"What happened?" Mari asked.

"That little fucker was trying to get with Crystal last night" Lauren semi yelled.

"What?!" Mari and Andrea yelled. Jerome had a shocked look then shook his head.

"It's whatever" I said and there was a knock at the door so I went to get it.

There was a man in a black suit.

"Hello, can I help you?" I asked

"Yes, are you Crystal White?" He asked.

"Um, yes I am. Why?"

"I have come to inform you that you will now be living with your Aunt Ruth"

"I didn't even think I had an aunt. My parents never told me about them" I said confused.

"Well she only lives a few blocks over. You have 1 day to pack up all of your stuff you need"

"O-ok" I said and closed the door. I turned around and jumped because everyone was behind me. "Holy shit! You guys scared me" I said

"You have to move?" Mari asked sounding a little sad.

"Well I guess, but only a few blocks away" I said.

"We can all still hang out with you though, right?" Andrea asked.

"Well of course! I mean I guess I would have to ask my aunt if you could but I bet it would be fine." I said

"We'll help you pack!" Jerome said and ran to my room. We all laughed and followed.


Everyone went home late yesterday. Right now I was just waiting for that man to come and take me to my so called 'Aunt Ruth's' house.

~Knock, Knock~

I went to the door with all my bags and suitcases. I opened the door and took one last look at the house.

"Goodbye" I whispered and walked out the house into the car.


"Bye, Bye" My Aunt Ruth said to the man sweetly and closed the door. She looked a little younger than my mom....... did.

When she turned around her face turn from sweet to vicious. Thaaaaaat can't be good.

"Ok, listen up bitch. You do what I say when I say it. Got it?" I nodded my head,"Good. Now your room is upstairs last door to the left" She said, Bitchy much?

I went upstairs into the room. The room looked my style but just a little girly, but I guess I'll have to live with it. I bet I would get yelled at if I asked if I wanted to change it.

Here's to a new life. Yay.......

~ Sorry I had a little bit of a writers block!

I'm sorry it was four days late but I tried to make it long.

You guys want to make me cry sometimes because you're so sweet! every time I read one of your comments it makes me smile so much!

You guys are awesome and make me want to write more!



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