Arthur meets her old Baby Sitter.

Start from the beginning

We're in camp already, don't think it matters much" I said  while we took to treking to the Big House.

As we made our way across Camp, I noticed a change had taken hold of the place.. a change I knew all too well as I had prepared for such situations often. 


The Hephaestus Cabin and the Arts and Crafts section had far more steam and smoke clouding from them, as various campers in armor stacked swords and other weapons.

"Rumor is.. Luke is building up his forces for a massive scale attack on camp. Most don't believe it'll happen.. I mean the borders protect us better than ever with the fleece." said Annabeth. "But knowing Luke.."

"Yes.. he's probably found a way into the camp.. " I muttered.

"Yes.. and that's what me and Clarisse have been working on.. In fact, what we've been working on might be not just the key to how Luke gets in.. but how Kronos.. well. .might just rise again.."

I gave Annabeth a glance. "Annabeth..? This is huge.. you need to tell me the details!"

"I can't sorry.. I'm just not too sure yet, and I don't wanna saddle anything on you before we can be absolutely certain it's something that needs to be ridden on.. 

"Okay?" I muttered.. strange analogy.

"The point is.. it's still a work in progress, but it's getting there." said Annabeth quickly. 

When we reached the Big House, Chiron was wearing leather armor over his torso, in full Centaur form, speaking with Mash Kyrielight. A mysterious Servant whom.. for some reason.. had the abilities of a knight I knew in my previous life.. Galahad. 

She even looked a bit like Galahad, so at times I wondered if she was REALLY Galahad who somehow got genderbent and lost her memories.. but that would be a little too ridiculous. 

"Ahh.. Annabeth.. Arturia.. you're here.." said Chiron looking at us with surprise.

"Chiron.. it's urgent.." Annabeth said quickly.

"Ahh.. actually I was hoping Arturia would come back soon." said Chiron. "We have a new arrival.. a Saber Class Servant that she might be quite familiar with.."

"Familiar with?" I muttered

"One of the Knights of The Round Table.. we found him wandering around Denver, strangely enough not feral, but caring for a few new Half-Blood additions who have only recently been claimed." said Chiron. "When he heard King Arthur was here, he was anxious to await you.. "

"Wait.. REALLY!?" I stammered, astonishment coursing through me.

Annabeth and Mordred both looked shocked as well.

"Which one! Please tell me it ain't Agravain.. I HATE that guy!!" Mordred stammered.

"Agra who?" said Mash.  

"Oh yeah.. real jackass, actually my half brother.. so technically My King's Nephew.. he was a real pain in the.."

"Wait.. he was Morgan's kid?"I muttered.

"Yeah.. so was Gawain.. don't tell me ya didn't know you had nephews.." 

I felt my eye beginning to twitch. Don't tell me that King Arthur club was right.. and Gawain was a OLDER than me! I knew this.. and yet... then again... My half sister WAS quite a bit older. .. so it was possible she had Gawain BEFORE I was born.. then... OH FOR PETE'S SAKE THIS CONFUSED ME.

I looked at Annabeth quickly, and she sighed. "Okay.. I'll tell him.. you go find your knight.."

"Thanks!" I said quickly, before dashing off. 

King Arthur And The Olympians: The Battle of the Labyrinth.Where stories live. Discover now