Eijirou Kirishima X Izuku's Twin Brother Reader

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Title: Bullied for Encouragement

~~~Kirishima's POV~~~

The school day had ended and I left the school and saw Midoriya with a smaller boy that looks like him, hugging him. I walked towards them and put my hand on Midoriya's shoulder.

"Hey man!" I said and scared him a little bit.

"H-hey Kirishima!" He said and the smaller boy looked at me.

"Who's this Onii~Chan?" He questioned Midoriya.

"I'm Eijirou Kirishima! Whats your name?" I asked him.

"I'm [Insert Male Name] Midoriya!" He said and waved. 

"I didn't know you had a younger brother Midoriya." I said and he nodded.

"We are actually twins! He just calls me Onii~Chan because I came out before him and I'm taller." Midoriya said while blushing.

"Onii~Chan why are you blushing? Do you like Kirishima?" [Insert Male Name] asked Midoriya.

"No! It's just that, you're hugging and we're in public." He said and [Insert Male Name] let go of him.

"I've seen you around before! You're in the same class as my Onii~Chan!" He said.

"How have you seen me before even though I never see you?" I asked.

"I'm in class 1 B, from the hero course!" He explained.

"I see." I said.

"Lets hang out!!" He said and held my hand.

"Sure! How about tomorrow during lunch? On the roof of the school" I said and he nodded.

"Onii~Chan! Wanna join us?" He asked Midoriya.

"No. I had made plans with Uraraka and Iida to eat lunch." He said.

"Ok. Anyways bye!" [Insert Male Name] said and they walked off.

~~~Time Skip~~~

It was lunch right now and I was walking upstairs to the roof for lunch with [Insert Male Name]. I then heard an explosion on my upstairs. Its probably Bakugo, but wait. Why is he up here. I got to the door that leads to the roof but stopped when I heard Bakugo.

"I thought you would be smart enough to be with a group of people?" I heard Bakugo say. It was silent for a few seconds until he started yelling.

"Well!? Answer me you stupid bitch!!" He yelled.

"What did I do to you to deserve this?" I heard [Insert Male Name] say. The way his voice sounded seem like he was crying.

"You made fucking Deku believe he could be a hero!! You always encouraged him!! He so damn annoying!!! And I have you to blame!!" He yelled.

"I encouraged him because he's my brother!!" [Insert Male Name] yelled.

"Shut the fuck up! I didn't ask for a response!!!!" I heard Bakugo yell and [Insert Male Name] grunt.

"Katsuki, I thought we were friends. What did we ever do to you!?" I heard him yell and Bakugo started laughing.

"Now thats fucking funny! You friends with me?!" He laughed. I opened the door and they both looked at me.

"Hey Bakubro! Hey [Insert Male Name]! What are you doing up here?" I asked him.

"I can ask you the same question weird hair." Bakugo said. [Insert Male Name] and I made eye contact but he looked away.

"Well, [Insert Male Name] and I were gonna have lunch up here together. I didn't know you invited Bakugo." I said.

"I didn't..." [Insert Male Name] mumbled. Bakugo left and I went towards [Insert Male Name].

"You ok? I heard what Bakugo said." I said and sat next to him.

"I'm fine..." He said and leaned back.

"So um, why does Bakugo Bully you?" I asked him. He sighed.

"He bullied me and Izuku when we were kids and in middle school. He had stopped bullying Izuku after he stood up to Katsuki, but I didn't. Izuku thinks he stopped bullying me too but he's wrong. I would come home with burnt marks and bruises sometimes and I would lie to him and our mom saying I fell or someone used their quirk on me on accident." He said and started hugging his legs.

"Why did he bully your brother anyways?" I asked him. He was silent for a few minutes and I realized that I asked him something personal.

"Ah! You don't have to tell me if you don't want too!!" I said.

"No, its fine... He bullied Izuku because Izuku used to be quirkless. He was bullied for that. I had obtained both of our parents quirks which are, fire breathing and telekinesis. He really wanted to be a hero, even after he found out he was quirkless. He was also bullied for that. I really wanted to give him one my quirks because he would use it more than me. But he got a quirk! I was so happy for him." He said and was crying. I picked him up and put him on my lap.

"Its ok, don't cry!! Someone like you shouldn't be crying, you should be smiling. You have an amazing smile. To be honest... When I first saw you, I had a crush on you." I said and put my arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me. I kissed back, the kiss lasted for a few minutes and he pulled away and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Can I sleep on you?" He asked.

"Sure." I said and he fell asleep. Soon I fell asleep as well.

~~~Izuku's POV~~~

"Hey guys! Change of plans! My whole class wants to meet-" I was cut off by my brother sleeping on Kirishima.

"Hey Deku what-" Uraraka said and saw. Before we knew it, most people were taking pictures of them.


Requested by Aphmau_lover345 

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