Kirishima x Mute! Male Reader

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Authors Note: You should know you can't talk in this one shot, so when you see this that means you are writing in your book

Title: Childhood Friend

~~~Kirishima's POV~~~

Everyone was talking, making noise, nothing out of the ordinary. Until Mr. Aizawa came in.

"Shut up , sit down. We have a new student." He said. Everyone ran to their seats. We heard a knock on the door and Mr. Aizawa opened it. A boy with [Insert Hair Color] hair and [Insert Eye Color] eyes walked into the room. 

"Alright introduce your self." He said and the kid looked at him.

"Oh yeah thats right, your... Ok. This is [Insert Full Name] he's a boy of very few words. You can take a seat next to the red head with spiky hair." He said and [Insert Male Name] sat down next to me. Why does his name sound so familiar? I'll introduce myself to him.

"Hey! My names Eijirou Kirishima! Nice to me meet you." I said and extended my hand for him to shake it. His eyes widen a bit, he looked away. When the bell ringed [Insert Male Name] was the first to leave.

"Whats wrong with him?" Kaminari asked.

"I don't know. I think I've seen him before but I don't know when." I said.

"Well, you can figure that out during lunch but right now we have class so lets go." Sero said and pushed us out the classroom.

~~~Time Skip~~~ 

It was now lunch and I saw [Insert Male Name] sitting alone. I decided to sit with him until three guys walked up to the table he was at. They were kids in my class when I was little. Guren Ito, was the popular kid, Aoi Sato and Eve Sato were basically his minions , I got close enough to hear what they were telling him.

"Look who's back. So? After years of isolating yourself and being a depressed bitch, you decided to come back?"  Guren said. He was waiting for a response from [Insert Male Name] but never got one.

"Don't think that your no longer a killer because your in U.A. You killed those kids." He said. He then went closer to [Insert Male Name] and whispered something to him. [Insert Male Name] eyes showed fear.

"Oh yeah! Where's you boyfriend, Eijirou I think his name was?" Aoi said. So thats why his name is so familiar! He was in my pre school class. We were great friends. When he turned four there was no sign of him having a quirk. He was bullied for that and one day he just snapped. He did have a quirk all along but he couldn't activate it. His quirk killed those bullies that day. He wasn't charged with murder and no one sued his parents. After the incident he never showed up to school.

"Ah, Eijirou! There you are." Guren said and pulled me towards them. 

"You remember [Insert Male Name] right?" He said and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah, he's in my class." I said.

"God! That must be awful to have a monster in your class and not to mention he's a lonely mute." Eve said. I've had enough of their crap.

"[Insert Male Name] is not the monster here! You guys are! Let the past be the god damn past! Now I would like it if you would leave him alone! Please and thank you." I yelled and pushed Guren's hand off of my shoulder and sat next to [Insert Male Name]. Guren,Aoi and Eve left and it was just me and [Insert Male Name]. He took out a notebook and started writing something and showed me.

"So, you still care for me even though I killed people" His book said.

"Yeah! Of course. It wouldn't be manly of me to just watch and let them do those thing to you." I said. He started writing again.

"Thank you!" Was written on his note book. I gave him a thumbs up and remembered that Guren whispered something to him.

"What did Guren say to you when he whispered into your ear?" I asked.

"He said that if I didn't except his love confession to me, he would tell my class about the murders."  He wrote. Guren like [Insert Male Name]?! I feel a little, just a little jealous. 

"We have ten minutes until lunch is over. Lets catch up!" I said and ruffled his hair.

~~~Time Skip~~~

[Insert Male Name] hasn't changed one bit! When I got to class Kaminari, Sero and Ashido ran up to me.

"Making on moves on the new kid already?" Kaminari smirked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You know during lunch. You were talking to him." Ashido started jumping around. I felt someone tug the back of my shirt and I turned around. [Insert Male Name] was there holding his book to his chest and blushing.

"What is it [Insert Male Name]?" I asked and he opened his.

"I just wanted to thank you being my friend from childhood to now." It said.

"You welco-" I was cut off by [Insert Male Name] connecting our lips. I lasted for a few seconds and he pulled away. He covered his face with his notebook. I started laughing and put my hand on his head.

"Your so cute [Insert Male Name]!" I laughed.


I asked @NeoSnipe to request something and this is what was made.

Eijirou Kirishima x Male Reader One Shots Where stories live. Discover now