29; Angel's Tough Talk

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 "No! I always thought you were the good guy and mom was horrible to her children but now I know you are both as bad as each other. Eve and I haven't spoken in ages because it hurts so much to see her for an hour or so and then have to leave her and Spencer and I feel like we've failed her," I shook my head at him. "So when were you planning on coming back home to your family?"

 I saw the woman awkwardly shift in her seat and my dad stood up. "Should we talk outside Esme?" He asked me and I looked down at my watch. 

 "My shift is almost over and I'm not willing to waste any more time on people who don't care about me," tears built in my eyes as I turned away from him and marched back to the counter where I threw the notepad onto the tray and picked up my bag. "I'm sorry Kirsty I have to go," I wiped the tears that fell from my eyes and marched out of the diner to wait for Kyle to pick me up.

 "Esmeralda," I heard my dad's voice behind me after I had left the diner.

 "What do you want dad?" I yelled at him.

 "I want to tell you I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do," he pleaded with me.

 "Not palmed us off to random people! Honestly since living with Danielle I actually know what feeling loved by a parent feels like but the only issue are my best friends, Eve and Spence, have been taken away from me because you are selfish," I spat at him. "How could you do this to us?"

 He shrugged. "I tried to be there for you when you needed me."

 "Like when Kane's parents called you to warn us he was coming back? Did you check on me or ask how I was? Did you warn me or did you just let me find out from him walking into my classroom? The only thing you can do right now to not make me ignore you forever is get our house back and bring my siblings back together," I told him and then looked out at Kyle's car racing down the road.

 He pushed open the door and stepped out when he realised my father was there. "Well, isn't it the father of the year?" Kyle rolled his eyes. "Why are you here?"

 "He's on a date," I glared at my dad. "You better make this right, I'm not kidding," I thanked Kyle for opening the passengers door for me and I slid into the passengers seat.

 He wordlessly then walked around to the drivers seat and climbed into the car. "Are you okay?" He asked me seriously.

 "Yeah, please just take me home," I sighed and clipped my seatbelt in. 

 Kyle started up the car and without asking anything else he moved away from the sidewalk and down the road towards our house. I stared at my nails the whole time that we were on the way to the house just chipping off my pink nail polish with my other nail until most of my nails were completely blank. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kyle asked as we pulled into the driveway of the house and I found myself starting to tear up at the thought that the man I looked up to and loved endlessly also didn't want us. 

 "He can't get his home life or work life together but he's already back on dating," I wiped my damp cheeks and tucked my hair behind my ear. "It's just a bit of a punch to the stomach to hear we're really not wanted that much by our parents that they both just easily left us."

 Kyle reached over and wrapped his arms tightly around me. "I don't know how to handle tears but that is really shitty," he sighed and kissed the top of my head. "You know you are always welcome in the Pierce's household though."

 "I know, and I'm very grateful but I mainly want to be home because I miss looking after Eve and seeing Spencer every day. I've lived my whole life with him and Eve has spent her whole life with me and it's just strange to be away from them for this long," Kyle finally let go of me and nodded along with what I was saying to him.

 "Let's get you inside," Kyle opened his door and climbed out whilst I was unbuckling my seatbelt and grabbing my handbag from the floor. Kyle opened my passengers side door and held out his hand for me to take ahold of and step out of the car.

 "Look at this gentleman," I joked and Kyle rolled his eyes as he then closed my car door behind me. We walked into the house silently and as soon as we got in I kicked off my shoes in the shoe closet and then jogged up the stairs to my bedroom. 

 I wandered over to my wardrobe and dropped my clothes onto the floor before grabbing out some flannel shorts and a tank top. I picked up my old clothes from the floor to throw them into the wash basket when I heard a deep voice behind me clear their throat and I suddenly turned around to see Wren stood at my bedroom door. I let out a scream and covered my body with the clothes I had just picked up.

 "What the heck, Wren? Get out!" Before I could get Wren out of my bedroom Kyle came running in to see what the scream was about. 

 "What's happened? Oh my God Angel cover up," Kyle joked at me and then looked over at Wren. "You have some balls showing up here," he raised an eyebrow as I pulled on the flannel shorts and tank top I had picked out.

 "Why the hell are you here Wren? I thought I told you to leave me alone?" I snapped at him and threw my old clothes into the washing basket. 

 "I wanted to talk," he sighed and took a step towards me. "Preferably without this asshole in the room."

 I rolled my eyes and scoff at him. "You think that you're going to make me want to talk to you by insulting my friend?" I said with my hands in the air in anger. "I love you Wren, as my best friend and a brother, and I have always loved you but what you did to me hurt. Not because I lost you as a boyfriend but because you could hurt your best friend like that," I shrugged at him.

 "I know and I feel awful Essie, I understand now we don't work as a couple but I don't want to lose you as a best friend. We've known each other since we were babies, let's not let this break our friendship," he pleaded with me.

 "I just need some time Wren and with you hanging around me constantly it is not going to help. I told you to leave me alone and I meant it, so please just give me some space and don't come back here," I crossed my arms over my chest.

 "Okay, well call me when you want to talk," he smiled lightly at me before turning around and walking out of my room. My eyes wandered over to where Kyle was watching him walk down the hall with a clenched jaw and arms crossed.

 "And now you can leave and let me go to sleep, I've had a stressful day," I laughed jokingly. 

 "I was hoping it'd be another sleepover," he winked at me and I laughed.

 I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck to pull myself up and kiss his lips slowly but passionately. Kyle's hands snaked around my waist and his hands were cupping my bottom whilst we kissed. He hoisted me up so that I could wrap my legs around his waist and he could carry me to the bed. 

 "Are you sure you're ready for... Anything like this?" He asked and I felt my heart hammering and my legs felt like jelly.

 "I'm scared to death but also am having the best time of my life so I'm going to go for yes?" I asked and heard him laugh before he placed me down onto the bed and then climbed onto the bed after me.

 Well, here goes nothing. 

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