Colorless flower. Part 4

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Midnight was talking with the last from ANBU group, who were on a mission together with them. He shared all the known informations about current situation, so it could be delivered to village as soon as possible.

Scarlet took this time to go check on others, especially Breeze. He got to door of other room but it opened before he knocked and Crimson came out- smile on his face insantly made fire-nin feel a bit better and drop some of the worries.

'Hey bro. How's Breeze?'

'All good. She woke up with headache but Azure said she's all fine now. Just need to rest. So, worry not, heh.' he patted arm of smaller boy, making him suddenly jolt and hiss from pain.

'Ouch...' Scarlet grabbed his right arm, feeling as sharp pain spread up to his shoulder.

'Owww man, sorry... didn't know you are hurt there. Didn't Azure patch you up yet?'

'She did, a little. But somehow... it hurt more now.'

'Be quiet, boys!' blue-haired girl hushed them, popping head out of the room. 'Shoo, shoo- we will talk in other room, let her sleep. And what's wrong, Scarlet?' she asked, closing door behind her and frowning for a grin of pain on boy's face. 'It shouldn't hurt so much, wasn't even such deep cut.'

'Oof!... It passed a bit now.' Scarlet sighed with relief, massaging shoulder slowly. 'it's ok, don't worry.'

Azure tilted head, staring at boy, who wwas trying to smile now.

'You are very pale, Scarlet. Are you sure it's ok?' she asked but instead of waiting for reply, she grabbed his other arm and pulled closer to window, for more light.

'Take shirt off, I will check it up.'

'Oh my... well, I can't argue with someone so cute wanting me to strip down.' said Scarlet with sly smirk but regretted it immadietely as Azure pressed fingers on his right arm.

'Owww... ouch, sorrrrry...'

'Hahaha! Better don't joke like that with ladies, Scarlet- they can be dangerous!' laughed Crimson.

Fire-nin took off shirt and threw it on friend.

'Yo, ladies expert, go to your sleeping beauty.'

Crimson grinned at smiling Scarlet and went back to other room.

Meanwhile, Midnight finished report and turned to rest of group, when ANBU member disappeared.

'Ok guys, plan for now is that I will go back to robbers' base to retrieve that chest, if it's still there and then-' he paused suddenly, noticing something on back of other boy. He tilted head then went closer. Scarlet... since when you have those markings?'

'Huh? What are you talking about?'

Midnight stared at weird symbols and curved lines on back of his shoulder. 'Here...' he put hand on markings, which were barely visible but seemed to glow a little bit. He then gently moved fingers down, almost to the center of his back, where it was turning into some circle pattern. 

Scarlet jolted.

'Holy ****! Get that deadman's hand off me! Sooooo cooold...' he cried.

'It's not my hand that's cold- you are so hot.'

'Wow...thanks man. You're too but really not the best time for date invit-'

'I MEAN that skin on your back is so warm near these symbols.' growled Midnight.

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