Colorless flower. Part 1

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~~ author note: song above apply to some stuff in this fic (don't think too much of title tho) and it's also the certain song in this chapter~~ Cheers luvs~~

Midnight sighed silently, while trying to finish reading instructions of mission from the scroll in his hands. For the 4th time. And again his focus got succesfully disturbed by one silly and pretty annoying melody, hummed by the other boy, sitting next to him on an old, damaged sofa.

Sitting way too close.

Fact that Scarlet was actualy lying upside down on it, with head almost touching the floor, was making it only more disturbing.

Lightning ninja sighed again and fixed reading glasses on his nose. He wasn't sure what was worse- that annoying song over and over again- or that purring-like sound, comming from his team partner from time to time. Bored Scarlet was usualy breaking all the limits of being annoying and childish.

For almost two years of being a team with him and rest of the squad, Midnight somehow managed to grow kind of a partial immunity for all the stupid behaviours. Especially of Scarlet, who was never making it easy for him- personal space seemed to be non existing in his view of world, with all the random hugs and other silly things, for the- usually silent- horror of Midnight.

They were always total opposites- listing down from the appearance, characters and behaviour. Scarlet proclaimed many times that he doesn't see them all as a team- but as a family. And he simply loved to be around people. Midnight, on other hand, always liked to spend time alone. Idea of team with 4 other young ninjas was a true issue for him in the past.Looking back at all the stuff he came through with them... he was really amazed that he didn't kill any of them so far.

Especially that Scarlet is still alive and well.

And it was all his fault that Midnight changed so much, that he could now just stop himself from drawing katana at older boy.

But it was true that Midnight started to like them- and even all those bone-crushing group hugs. Taking care of eachother and working as a real team was comming naturally now, even for him. Scarlet was always the heart of this 'family'- making sure that they all stick together. And he was succeeding even in socializing this certain loner.

There was also something else about him, that Midnight could never admitt and what was too dumb and annoying to even bother thinking too much about.

Sudden sound of Scarlet comming straight from humming into singing aloud, knocked him out of that stream of thoughts. And, to his growing irritation, he realized that he went through whole that wall of text on scroll without getting a single word from it.

He closed eyes shut and took off glasses, cussing in his mind.

"Scarlet." Midnight tried to talk as calmly as he could. "Would you mind to stop. I'm trying to read and remember this."

Other boy smiled at him, with that stupidly cute face and dark-red eyes half closed. Midnight frowned, meeting his sight.

"You don't really have to." Scarlet stretched arms while still lying upside down. "I have it all memorized. Leave it to me- I plan, observe and talk- you go cut stuff down. As usual."

Midnight starred for a moment on that trademarked smirk on other boy's face. He decided to leave it without comment.

"But, you know..." Scarlet started again, sitting up properly on sofa. "I actually don't like some things about it. Isn't it weird that they changed plans of whole mission like this? Why they are sending all of us and even some additional people, in last moment, when they said there's just few opponents and they're not even ninjas but simple robbers. Oh, I know- they stole something worth small fortune and being very important on top of everything but...SERIOUSLY! I bet coupon for a week supply of Ichiraku that I would take them all down by myself! And why on earth we're getting split into teams of 2 today- while tomorrow we're going to the same place anyway? And can't we just attack today, all together and finish them quickly? They said they're not so much of a threat, yet planning everything so carefully and detailed as if we were to take part in a war or something. Isn't it a bit weird for you? And all other stuff- like this ruined house here, which they called our base for mission... Where are other teams anyway? Why we don't even know locations of them?"

Scarlet was making a lot of lively hand gestures while all this talking and Midnight was starring on him without a word, wondering if he won't cast any jutsu on him by mistake.

"Right now, you're not making more sense than all of this complication to our mission." Midnight cut in, while other boy was taking deep breath for another wave of questions and doubts. "You're just paranoid about it. And talking way too much" He gazed coldly at pouting Scarlet. "Or you're just not really happy because not in the same team with Crimson...or Azure."

"Of course not, pft. Who would want to be in a team with Mr Grumpy." Scarlet sticked out tongue. He stood up and rised his head high with a dramatic hand gesture. "Everyone should be honored for getting a chance of being partner of Scarlet Blaze- most amazing, one of a kind, conquerer of a hearts, bringer of nightmares and death for enemies , godly skilled and a true beauty amon-"

Sudden hit of a dusty pillow, thrown by Midnight, finished his show.

"This mission is easy anyway. They just add some extra, unnessesary steps. Nothing new, to be honest. And as you said- we will meet with others tomorrow anyway, so it doesn't really matter."

"I know, but..." Scarlet frowned. He couldn't describe this well but he had some really bad feelings about whole this mission.

"Your 'buts' doesnt matter either. We follow orders. End of discussion."

Scarlet gave up and sighed, sitting back on sofa.

"Well, it's time to get some sleep anyway." Fire-nin yawned wide. "So... mind to move it from my king-sized, heavenly comfortable bed, so I can snore for a bit." Scarlet laughed shortly. This half-ruined, small room in a forgotten house deep in forest, was nothing near 'comfortable'.

"Well...unless you wanna like...share this bed together or so~~" Scarlet tilted head, looking at Midnight with a slyish smile.

Other boy jolted internally for a vision of anyone, ESPECIALLY this goof, in a bed with him.

"Over my dead body!" He growled, stood up and moved to other, a bit bigger bed, in a corner of the room.

"Just joking!" Scarlet laughed. "But it would be warmer for sure. it's rather chilly here~~"

"Drop dead."

"Good night to you too." Scarlet hummed his song again and currled on sofa, trying to find some comfortable position.

Midnight couldn't fall asleep for a long time- irritated of how idiotic it all was. He just hated complications to such silly jobs and all the annoying stuff like 'bad feelings'.

And annoying Scarlet, who was actualy snorring and blabbering even in his sleep- that was also succeeding at keeping him awake.

Whatever was to meet them tomorrow- shall better be prepared for an annoyed, sleep-deprived assassin.

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