Colorless flower. Part 2

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Autumn sun, rising slowly and sleepy, was casting long shadows in a forest, which was awaking from a silent dreams.

Small flock of birds leaped to the sky, surprised by the sudden move in the crowns of trees, as two figures were making their way through them, almost soundlesly jumping from one branch to another.

Taller of the boys was whole time few meters ahead, as other one kept on breaking monotony of run with occassional, completely not necessary, flips.

Midnight finally stop on one of branches and waited a moment, till Scarlet got closer.

"We should be almost there."

"Yeah. I suggest being extra careful from now and..." three fast hand signs and a perfect copy of him appeared. "I will scout around a bit. I really would feel better knowing positions of others and all."

"Ok. But let's move now. I want to finish this as fast as possible."

"Aye, Captain Osoi!" Scarlet saluted and then started laughing and jumped forward, avoiding a hit of the hilt of Midnight's katana.

On the west side of the forest, two other young ninjas were on their way too. Blue-haired girl, running in front, stopped suddenly and with a gesture ordered her partner to stop. Then pointed at a person, standing on a barely visible path.

Young, tall man, was looking a bit lost- seemed to search for something between the trees, in a point where two paths were crossing.

"Look at his clothes- I think it's a foreigner..." Azure whispered. "Maybe he need some help, what you think, Crimson-kun?"

"Hmm.. we're on a mission...but if that won't take long..."

"Let's check, come on."

Girl jumped off the tree and landed softly, few steps away from stranger. Much louder 'thump' of the Earth-nin, had catch his attention, as he turned surprised face to them.

"Uhm, hello." started Azure. "Did you got lost or need some help?"

Stranger was starring at her for few seconds, then moved eyes on a boy. he then smiled, a bit troubled.

"Lost? Me?, hahaha..." His laughhad a very nice sound. Matching his quite handsome face, aa Azure noticed.

"I supposed to meet with a friend here but I came earlier than planned and thought I would search for some nice place, under trees, to rest." He smiled again and run fingers through his short, blond hair. It was quite a long travel."

"Are you sure, you don't need any help?" Azure frowned a little, looking up at him and meeting a stare of dark-brown eyes.

Tone of his voice, when he spoke again, was almost magically soothing all of her sudden worries.

"Yes. It's ok. I don't want to trouble you. Sorry for making you worry, pretty lady."

Azure blushed a bit.

"Oh...ok then... Well, good luck and-" she paused for a moment, when Crimson tapped her shoulder, poiting at a place deeper in the forest, where one of ANBU members, accompaning them during mission, was giving them signs with hands.

"We have to go, sorry. Take good care!"

"Don't worry, I will."

Stranger farewell them with a smile, which turned into a smirk, as soon as they jumped away from his sight.

"Hmm...he should get to the point soon. better be prepared~" he saidto himself and to the trees around and slowly walked away, whistling like a bird.

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