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I didn't expect Kiyanne to call me so soon. To be honest, I thought I'd wouldn't hear from the girl again. Everything still doesn't make sense to me. One night I find this battered girl on my lawn and Eric telling me to get rid of her ass, now we about to kick it. Shit real strange, but maybe she just needs a friend. I mean, it looks like someone been dealing her a crazy hand and shit. So the least I could do is chill with the girl.

I put my White and Silver Nike Windbreaker over my head as I smoothed out any wrinkles that may appeared. Eric sat on the couch, rolling up a blunt as he nodded to the sounds of Slick Rick's Children Story video play through the TV on The Box.

"I don't see why you going to see that bitch", Eric said as he looked up from rolling his papers.  Eric licked the paper to make sure the blunt was secure and it was nicely rolled. I don't see why he so animate on me not fucking with Kiyanne. Maybe he fucked her once upon a time. I mean, she does live in Compton so anything liable forreal.

"Why you got this personal vendetta against her man?"

"Vendetta? I aint got shit against her. I just don't understand how she end up on your lawn and now you going to Compton to kick it with her. Shit don't add up if you ask me."

"Well, I didn't ask. She might need someone to be there for her."

"Didn't you drop her off at her momma?" Eric questioned, looking at me.

I looked around then shrugging my shoulders. "Yeah so. Fuck that gotta do with anything."

"There ya go. She got somebody man." Eric replied, lighting the blunt.

"Damn E. ima just check her out and head back this way. I need to get up with Michel'le about laying this track down too. So I'ma chill and head back this way." I grumbled as I took a seat next to E as he pulled a deep drag from the blunt.

As E pulled from the blunt, I couldn't help the weird feeling I got as I thought about seeing Kiyanne. This shit is weird as fuck. I met plenty of bitches, plenty of woman of all different ethnicities but why Kiyanne got me feeling some way? She was stunning, even though she was bruised, I can tell she was a caramel honey.

"Michel'le know you going to some strawberry house?" Eric asked with a chuckle.

"I aint gotta explain shit to Michel'le. She aint my woman yet so what I do aint none of her concern."

"So, I can still hit that?" Eric asked with a raised brow.

I busted out in laughter before grabbing the blunt from him, causing him to laugh too. I swear, this nigga always knows how to get to me. We smoked the blunt for a good ten minutes before I rolled up a second one. Before we knew it, an hour passed, and we were high out of our minds. With my eyes red and heavy, I stood up to place my LA SOX hat on my head that rested on the table. I told E to lock up my crib when he left. I dapped him up and made my way to my car and hit the interstate back to Compton for Kiyanne.

Illusion : A Dr.Dre Fan Fiction  ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now