I watched him as he lay there peacefully, his chest slowly rising and falling to the sound of the heart monitor.

This sight brought tears to my eyes.

I pick up his limp hand and hold it in my own. It was cold and felt dead.

I pull his hand up to my face and rest my head on it as I sob.

I sat there, crying, for what seemed like hours until I felt myself grow sleepy from all the sleep deprivation from the last week or so.

I rest my head on the side of his bed and close my eyes, his hand was still in mine as I drift off to sleep.


I feel myself being shook. "Wake up sweetie" Said a calm feminine voice.

I open my eyes a bit and see a nurse in her white uniform.

"Come on" She stepped back and let me get up.

"I'm sorry but, visiting time is over" She said

I nod my head and stand out of my chair, grab my stuff before leaving the room.

I look at my phone, it had been 50 minutes since I had arrived.

I still had 10 minutes until my mum would be here to pick me up.

What do I want to do?

I decided to go for a small walk by the side of the woods.

It was cold outside and the woods were darker than normal.


The sound of leaves under foot could be heard through the thick wood.

I stop and look around a bit.

No one was near.

I was just being stupid.

No one in this town was stupid enough to go into the woods.

Are they?

I walked a bit more and again herd the crunching of leaves.

I stop and look again.

No one and nothing.

My breathing gets heavier and I start to panic.

I check the time.

I should probably head back now.

I turn around and start walking back.

Again I could hear the sound of leaves being stepped on.

I try to ignore it as I keep walking.

But I hear it again. This time closer.

I start to walk faster.

The sound gets louder and quicker.

Someone was following me.

I start to jog a bit. I look back into the woods and suddenly see a flash of white run between two trees.

I gasp and break into a sprint.

This had to be some sick joke. Someone was just pranking me.

I slow down a bit as I reach the hospital and see my mums car.

I look back to the forest and again see a flash of white. It was a blur but I could tell it was a person.

This gave me shivers down my spine as I walk to my mums car.

"Hi honey" She greeted me as I hop in the car "How was it?"

I put my seatbelt on and start to sign 'It was fine'

"Thats good hun" She started to drive out of the hospital lot and to home.


At home, I sat on the couch and watched tv with Charlie and dad.

"So how was Liu?" My dad asks

'still in a coma' I say

"I'm sorry y/n" He pulls me closer and hugs me tight.

I smile and snuggle up to him.

A few hours later was dinner time.

We sat around the table and ate (favourite/dinner)

We talked about normal family things until my dad said.

"So what do you think happened to Jeff?"

We all went quiet until Charlie spoke "Uh, we don't know"

There was an awkward silence in the room and an aura of sadness, pity and dread surrounded us.

"Anyway, how was work dear?" Mum butted in to change the subject.

I stood out of my chair, put my plate on the bench and ran to my room.

This started an argument between my mum and dad.

When in my room, I hid under the covers of my bed and started to cry.

After a while, I began to grow tired.

My eyes were red from crying and my breathing was shaky.

I was so tired. My eye lids were heavy and I lay my head down, then fell straight to sleep.

My dreams were a blur and all I could think about was what a mess my life was.

The Hatred That Fuels You (Homicidal Liu x Mute Reader)Where stories live. Discover now