Chapter 13

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Hello guys, so here is the next chapter for you all. Its the big dinner so I hope you enjoy! next chapter will be up soon and will be a bit steamy *wink wink*

Hope you guys like and enjoy please comment and vote and if you have a spare moment maybe check out my other story New Beginnings? 

Well that's all and lets get right to it



Zayn's POV

I am on my way to the Café to meet Harry and I can't understand why I am so nervous. Me and Harry have hung out many times it doesn't make sense that I would be so stressed about it. I guess these past couple of days haven't been that great. After the ultrasound things have been weird between us. I knew it was gonna be a bad idea having him there. Neither of us were ready for that, but what other choice did I have? I just hope that this dinner goes well, and we can get back to where we were.

I finally arrive at the café and stand outside waiting for Harry. After about 5 minutes I see his car into the parking lot. I head over to the entrance of the lot and meet him there. I am suddenly aware that I am literally trembling in nerves and do all I can to calm myself down to make my nerves less noticeable.

"Hey" he says softly.

"Hi" I respond.

"Sorry I'm a bit late, traffic was bad on the way here." Harry says, and I nod.

"It's fine I haven't been waiting that long." I say assuredly. "So, should we head inside?" I ask and Harry nods. We both begin to make our way inside. We walk in and Harry takes the lead choosing the booth we first met in to sit.

"I like this booth" I say and both me and Harry chuckle. I remember that day so clearly, I was a wreck and Harry was really there for me. I didn't know who he was or why he decided to talk to me, but I had never been more grateful. He was truly an angel.

"So, I think we should talk about us" Harry finally says, pulling me out of my nostalgic thoughts.

"Yeah we should, why don't you start" I say and gesture to him and he begins.

"Well, I guess I should start by apologizing. I know after your doctor's appointment I was a bit cold. I didn't mean to be. Being there with you, it just reminded me of Darren and when he was pregnant. I was just missing him and our life that I kind of just took it out on you. So, for that I'm sorry" Harry says, and I grab his hand to comfort him and also show him I forgive him. I mean how could I not. I too had spent a lot of time thinking of my ex and letting it come between me and Harry, so I couldn't hold it against him. "But more on the topic of us," he continues. "I like you Zayn. I think your funny and smart and strong not to mention gorgeous" and I can't help but blush at the string of compliments. "I mean how could I not like you? But I feel like we are at such different places in my life." He takes a pause and I take that opportunity to speak.

"I agree on everything!"

"Oh, you like you too that's good, self-love is all the rave" He jokes, and I giggle.

"No, I like you as well. But, I agree that we are in very separate places I just don't know what to do about it. I mean I don't want to stop seeing you." I say honestly finally admitting to him and myself that I want to be with Harry for real.

"I also don't want to stop seeing you." He says with the biggest smile and it makes me return with my biggest smile. "So, what do we do?" Harry asks. I know we are in completely different places, and that our lives are chaotic, and they will probably become more chaotic with me being pregnant and Harry going to school, but I don't care and so without thinking I say something that is just uncharacteristically me.

"How about we just don't do anything?" I say, and Harry looks confused, so I elaborate. "For as long as I can remember I have thought about everything and anything and with you I don't want to. You make me happy, we have fun and that is all I want is to just have fun with you. I propose we continue to date. I be yours you be mine and we see where it goes" Harry looks at me still a bit confused and I ironically begin thinking 'maybe I shouldn't have said that'. Then suddenly harry jumps over the table and locks his lips on mine.

Me and Harry hadn't kissed before this moment, both of us too scared to really make the first move, but here we were basically making out with the take between us and it was pure extasy. Harry's lips felt so right in mine. They were rough and smooth all at once and I wondered how that could be as I felt myself continue to fall into the kiss, into him. It felt like we had been there forever and still when he pulled away I felt like I needed more. Harry fell back into his seat and had the biggest grin on his face.

"So, what should we eat?" He asks, and just like that I knew everything was going to be perfect.

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