Chapter 6

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- Zayn's POV starts a little behind where I left Harry's so it's like they're happening at the same time. In this part he's still with Jennie.

Zayn's POV

"I can't believe you thought I would tell you to abort the baby or worse stop being friends with you if you said no!" Jennie said with a mix of shock and anger. 

"Look, I'm sorry I was just nervous I didn't even know if i was gonna tell you but this guy said it would be better if I did. I'm sorry Jennie" I apologized.

"I guess it's alright at least someone thought I should know. Wait is this someone Andy? Does he know?" I didn't even think of that. Do I have to tell Andy I mean he's in jail and it's gonna be  thet way for a little while so I don't think I need to tell him. I look up to see Jennie looking at me awaiting the answers to her questions.

"No, Andy doesn't know and he wasn't the guy. It was this boy from a coffee shop I found a few blocks down." I tell her hoping it doesn't go further than that.

"What! You met a boy! Is he cute? Is he nice? Do you like him? Will he help you raise the baby if you date?" And she kept going on and on with her questions.

"JENNIE!!" I yell breaking her from the interrogation she was giving me. "God it's not like that.I mean yeah he's cute but I don't think I'll be dating fro a while. I mean I just put Andy in jail plus I'm pregnant. I have way too much to worry about and so does he. I mean he works and he's a father so-" And that's where i was rudely interrupted by my best friend who wanted to know more and more about this boy I wasn't even dating.

"father? So he has kids? How many? Look this would actually be good maybe you could get his number and start talking" Jennie stopped when she saw my reaction. "You already have his number don't you? Oh you're slick Malik" She said. "See this is perfect you can just talk now. And before you start I'm not saying you gotta marry the guy but it's a good way to start moving on." Maybe Jennie had a point I could just start talking to him nothing serious what's the worst that could happen.

Jennie left shortly after our chat and I sat in my living room debating whether or not I should text him. I decided i would go for it. I sent him a simple message 

Hey this is Zayn I was wondering if you had time to talk

I waited for a response and as the seconds grew longer and into minutes I began to feel nauseous. Why would I text him to begin with? What was I thinking? And before I can continue to tell myself how stupid I am I hear a ding. I check my phone and it's Harry. The response was a short and simple Yeah but it still left me tingling.

-----------------------Present Time---------------------------

AN: So this part is gonna be in text form so it's easier to read/write


Z: Well I talked to my best friend, Jennie and she was just fine with it. Actually more than fine you would think this was her baby the way she reacted.

H: Lol. See I told you everything would work out. She must be a really good friend

Z: Yeah she is what about you? Do you have any good friends?

H: Yeah actually, her name is Lou. I have another close friend but Lou is defiantly my number one.

Z: That's cool all I really have is Jennie now that Andy is gone. Although I suppose with everything that's happened it's safe to assume Andy wan't really there for me either. 

H: I'm sorry about Andy I can see you must of really loved him but if you don't mind me saying it's clear you could do better. Anyone who could hurt you and break you the way he did, doesn't deserve you.

Z: Thanks that means a lot. Can I be honest with you?

H: Of course.

Z: Well Jennie suggested I talk to you and I was really nervous to do it

H: Now can I be honest with you?

Z: Yeah

H: I almost died when I saw you texted me. It's funny because right before you did I kept telling myself how stupid I was to give you my number I thought I was being pushy and desperate

Z: No not pushy or desperate it actually was a good thing 

H: That's good. So what are your plans for this weekend

Z: Are you trying to ask me out Harold?

H: There will be no calling me Harold! And not exactly I just wanted you to maybe come join me and my boys we're going to the zoo I thought you might like to come. Observe the wild creatures for the first time

Z: I've been to the zoo before Harry I've seen the wild animals already.

H: I was referring to the boys

Z: Yeah sure I'll go sounds fun

H: Ok great tomorrow at 2 I'll send you the address

Z: Sounds amazing I'll see you then

And with that both boys went to bed only to toss and turn anxious for the next day

Thinking Out Loud (BoyxBoy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin