Chapter 8

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Zayn's POV

When we get into Harry's car he turns on the radio and we sit in silence. I decide I've been quiet long enough and decide to spark a conversation. 

"So Harry how old are your boys?" I ask figuring that's better than nothing.

"My little man Louis here is 4" He says pointing to the very small blue eyed boy right behind me. "And this cutie Liam behind me is 18 months" He says referring to the tiny baby dozing off behind him. I turn around after feeling a tap on my shoulder. 

"Um excuse me sir, are you my Daddy's friend?" He asks.

"Yeah I am. My names Zayn" I tell him feeling disappointing that he didn't know implying Harry hadn't told them about me.

"I know your name silly. My daddy just says I have to be polite to people I meet." He says, making me blush a bit. 

"Yes I do" Harry says. "And you've been really polite buddy but I think Zayn's ok with you just calling him Zayn now." Harry chimes in from his seat next to me.

"Ok then, well Zayn can you change the song? My daddy's driving and he says it's dangerous to do other things when you drive" Louis tells me. I change the station a couple of times looking back at him for approval. He soon settles on the station playing 5 Seconds of Summer. As Louis sings in the back I decide to talk to Harry. 

"So what Zoo are we going to?" I ask.

"It's one a little outside of town I hope you don't mind it's so far out but there are no good ones in the city."

"No, I'm actually glad the ones in the city are pretty rubbish. I don't know how you can have a Zoo with limited animals present." I say to which Harry chuckles. 

"I suppose that would make sense. Maybe you should ask the Zoo owners." He responds. And I begin to see that Harry is a bit sassy and I like it. Me and Harry keep going on with the small chat until we arrive at the Zoo. 

"Do you mind helping Louis unbuckle while I grab Liam?" Harry asks me, and I gladly accept to help. However a couple seconds in I see I had no idea what I was doing and Louis had to help me. Harry comes over chuckling a bit and I heavily blush. 

"I hope you get the hang of it before that little guy is born." Harry says between giggles. I give him a side glare and he just continues to chuckle. We all walk over to the entrance and Harry pulls out the tickets and we enter the Zoo.

"Daddy can we please go see the monkeys first please please please" Louis begs Harry. Harry agrees and we head off to see the monkeys. As we approach the exhibit Louis runs ahead. 

"Louis William Styles!" Harry calls after the running child who reluctantly turns back to walk towards us. "You know better than to run off ahead of me. I need to see you at all times ok?"

"Ok, I'm sorry daddy" Louis apologizes. We all walk over to the monkey's and Louis starts imitating them which is probably one of the cutest things I've seen in my life. And just like that I can't wait to be a father. We go on to see the other animals and both Louis and Liam laugh and giggle enjoying observing the animals. We finally decide it's time to go around 6:30. Me and harry carry the boys to the car and as soon as we start to drive off we turn back to see they are both sleeping.

"After today I can't wait to be a dad. I know it'll be harder doing it alone but still I'm so excited." I tell Harry as we turn out of the parking lot.

"Really you weren't scared off my all the yelling and the what was it 3 temper tantrums?" Harry says humorously.

"No, although that last tantrum was a bit terrifying, I still can't wait. Seeing you with them today was really cute, you're a good dad from what I've seen" I tell him and i swear I see him blush through the dark car. 

"Thanks, I really try I love them more than anything. Sometimes I'm scared I'll mess them up but I like to think I'm doing a good job alone." Harry says.

"You are indeed" I tell him confidently. "If you don't mind me asking why are you by yourself? What about their other father?" I ask hoping I'm not being to intrusive. 

"Well their father, Darrel, was in the army. He was a great man he really was. But after he returned from Iraq he just wasn't the same. This was around the time Liam was born. I thought our family would be enough to help him with what he was going through but it wasn't. So Darrel made the decision to relinquish his guardianship. And not a week he killed himself." harry tells me. I sit there frozen wishing I knew what to say. "You don't have to say anything" He tells me. " Darrel was sick and hurting what happened to him was sad but I try not to dwell. Especially around the boys. I don't want them to start asking about him. I mean Liam doesn't remember, but Louis does and it took a while for him to understand why his papa wasn't coming home, it still does. So I keep the talk to a minimum." For the rest of the ride me and Harry sit and silence. 

I think after today I understand Harry a lot better. He is such a good man and a hurting man. You would never know it looking at him, but he's hurt. But he's also so strong for himself and his kids. I admire that and realize I'm gonna need that. With Andy gone I need to be strong for our-- my baby. Mine.

Harry's POV

We arrive at my house and me and Zayn grab the boys after I help him with the seat. I bring them both upstairs and change them for bed, and then return downstairs. 

"I guess I should be going" Zayn says and I check the time and see it's 7:17.

"No, please come sit." I tell him and he politely nods while smiling at the ground. "You want anything to drink? Beer? Water? Juice?" I ask.

"I'll take some water seeing as I'm driving and pregnant alcohol may not be the best thing for me to drink" He says to which I automatically apologize. He simply shrugs me off and I walk into the kitchen to grab him and myself a water, mentally scolding myself for being so stupid. I return and hand Zayn the water while taking a seat across from him.

"So, I guess now's the part of the date where we tell each other about ourselves since the kids are sleeping" I say with a grin. Zayn once again blushes and smiles at the floor. 

"I suppose you're right" Zayn says and I wave of relief washes over me because he doesn't deny my statement of this being a date. 

We spend the rest of the night telling each other about ourselves. Our hobbies and family, nothing and everything and by the time he leaves  I am convinced I am in love.  


So here's another chapter for my lovely readers.  I hope you liked it!

I know the end kind of sucked and if you want me to write they're conversation just leave a comment and I can write a separate chapter for it or add it to this chapter. If not I can just put all their information in an authors note. So comment what you'd like me to do and if you think it's just fine (which I appreciate) then you can just leave a nice comment or vote. 

Anywhore I hope you enjoyed so, adios!,


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