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This might be short

Darien POV
I am gonna surprise jonathan today since it is our 2nd anniversary today and i ask my boss can i get off early and she let me.

I got the stuff he always wanted now im on way to our house.

Stoping the car and walking up the stairs opening the door quietly to surprise him and as I was walking up the stairs I started to hear sounds that are making my heart break.

I then open the door my heart dropped seeing what happen infront of me.

Jonathan kissing a girl

"It is not what it looks like darien"he said getting up slowly

"Real-ly t-then w-what d-does it l-looks t-to you then?"


"right!? I yelled What does it freaking look

"look likes i am cheating on you with a girl that's not you"looking down

"okay then good job for explaining want a gold star?" Before packing all my stuff and going down stairs

"wait come back let me explain"

"what is there to explain you cheated and that's that's and i am pregnant so that was your gift
goodbye" throwing the gifts down

"wait ur pregnant" he said looking surprised and upset "How?what?"

"it takes two thats how and i am was going to you but you see how that turned out goodbye!"I said walking out the door

Jonathan pov
Jonathan:..... start to throw things

"How could i do this"sliding down the wall him

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