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Thank you @night-wilf for the amazing idea(s) all of your other chapters will be out soon anyway enjoy~

Connor's POV:
I've heard of this thing called... Halloween there is a party at the police department. This is my chance I can look hella sexy for Hank... I wonder what he's gonna wear? might as well ask him, " Lieutenant may I ask what costume will you wear to the Halloween party?" He looked at me a bit prepared to hurt me before sighing,''number one you don't have to call me lieutenant anymore you can just call me Hank,number two I might just dress up in my old uniform.'' I had to blush because um excuse me Hank ACTUALLY wearing his uniform would be hot as fuck!

Amanda: You sound like a (horny) teenage girl

Connor: Bitch shut the fuck up

Amanda: Pft whatever

I was still having a battle with this little hoe before Hank snapped me out of my thoughts,'' what about you? What will you wear to the party?'' I thought for a second,'' I'm going to be a vampire'' I noticed that he blushed a little bit.

Hank's POV:

''I'm going to be a vampire" I blushed...Connor...wearing a vampire costume...holy shit. I think he noticed, '' Hank are you okay?'' I had to come up with an excuse real quick,''u-um yea I'm fine.'' He smiled,''that's good''

~~~Day of Halloween party~~~

Connor's POV:

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit today is the day of the party and I cant stop looking at Hank...WE AREN'T EVEN AT THE STATION YET WE ARE STILL DRIVING BUT HE LOOKS SUPER HOT IN HIS ''COSTUME'' EVEN THOUGH ITS JUST HIS UNIFORM.''Connor...connor....CONNOR!'' I got out of my mind palace,'' y-yes sorry what were you saying?'' he looked at me before saying.'' we're here Connor.''I'm not gonna lie I was a bit embarrassed but I played it off....I think,'' right um okay'' then I walked out of the car. Let me just say that the music was SO freaking loud why do they need to have such loud music. "Connor you coming?" Damn I zoned out again. "I uh yea" I followed Hank inside the building. I saw so many people just dancing and drinking in costumes. I never knew the girls here dressed like this.

~~~An hour later~~~
I'm gonna surprise my Hank.. I feel so nervous right now like what if he hurts me... What if he sends me back to cyberlife.... WHAT IF HE SHOOTS ME!!!



Amanda: Damn...

Fucking- now I need to focus again, he's sitting at his desk just... Drinking their is a few people around him so this shouldn't be that hard. I sneaked up behind him and sneak kissed him I heard everyone around me gasp. Gavin then ran in "Hank are you okay?!" Hank gave Gavin a look of disgust and I looked down, Gavin chuckled and said, "I knew you were better than that" Gavin sounded proud of himself,  Hank started to walk towards me I was fucking terrified. Hank then said, "no I'm not disgusted by him I'm disgusted by you!" He then kissed me again.

Finished with this chapter something happened so I don't really have much confidence to write but I'll try to continue writing as much as possible. See ya in the next chapter BBBYYYEEE!!

Connor x Hank one shots (This is the worst thing I have created) Where stories live. Discover now