Bakugou - Ransom

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/* hi! First off- this contains disturbing content, proceed with caution. And it's generally pretty depressing.

Second- I know it's biased to have this question on a bakugou oneshot, but I don't want to post an a/n so here we go. Who do you want oneshots for the most? (These are the people ive written for in the past). Please comment on the name to vote!










Dabi (forgot him whoops)

Shigaraki (forgot him whoops)


This'll help me choose who to write for more often. I personally like todoroki (can't you tell) so let's see what yall think :)

Enjoy! */

Bakugou practically tore the city apart when he realized you had gone missing. It had been days. Your shared apartment felt dead and empty.

Where were you... why you? You weren't a hero... you were innocent. Ever since the beginning, he had warned you about the dangers of being with a hero. There were stories of kidnappings, ransoms... all for blackmail. In order to get back at a hero, a villain would target a hero's love interest.

Would target (y/n).

"Fuck!" He roared, practically blowing up half his office, before burying his face in his hands. What type of hero couldn't even protect his girlfriend?

He should have seen it coming. He was investigating some human trafficking organization, under the guise of a "cleaning service". Heroes hunting down the organization would return to work without a single memory of what they were investigating.

The police had assumed a memory eraser quirk.

Bakugou had just figured out who their leader was. In fact, he was just about to head to his office to burst out the news. But there was a little note on his office room door.

Don't tell. Or else.

They attacked before he could even act. And now (y/n) was gone.

Mind blank and ears buzzing with white noise, he had called and called you. Nothing. Fuck. You were dead. You had to be. It was his fault. Fuck... it was all his fault...

. . .

A couple of days had passed. He was completely distraught. He wouldn't be sane until you were back in his arms, and the villain was burnt to a crisp. Unlike with other hostage situations, he felt himself unable to keep a level head.

He trudged back home from his office. All the leads he found turned up dead. No one saw anything. The police scoured the apartment... there was nothing. You were just... gone.

But as he neared the dining room, he noticed something that stood out from the clean white tile. A USB, just lying innocently on the floor. Fuck. They got into the house.

This was it, he thought. The evidence. The ransom. Just looking at the innocuous blue stick gave him anxiety. But it wasn't as if he was going to ignore it... Snatching the stick up, the USB was plugged into his computer. There was just one file. A video.

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