Midoriya - Hero and Villian

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/* izuku is aged up and is a professional hero. Reader is a thief with a dangerous quirk... requests and constructive criticism always welcome!
P.s not much fluff in this one, mostly about the way reader portrays heros and villain in her mind */

You were by no means a classic Robin Hood. You weren't a student thwarted in her goal of heroism and turned to the dark side in despair. No...

Perhaps you were a classic antagonist in a children's story. A person who existed only to give a hero someone to defeat. A classic...villain.

Then who would be your hero?

You quietly mused about your line of work as you impatiently waited atop a jewelry store for the cute cashier to take his shift.

Your quirk was called Stone Kiss. One peck on anyone's exposed skin would turn them into frozen dummies for 12 hours.

Blessed with a cute figure and large seductive eyes, you easily planted kisses on unsuspecting businessmen (and ladies) and stole millions in gems and jewelry.

Could your quirk have been used in a hero's line of work? Perhaps. But what's the thrill in that?

The thrill of rescuing people could never surpass the adrenaline rush as you evaded the authorities for the umpteenth time. Could never surpass the excitement of seducing an attractive young hero into petrification.

But what was this all for? What is the end goal? Well... it's to see your hero.

The young green haired one. Deku, if you recalled. He was cute and innocent... much different from your dark and cruel life. You just wanted to pull him away... run your fingers down his chest, and break him.

Why him though? You had often wondered in your spare time. After seeing him in action a couple times, you realized it was his drive. The ideals of heroism that drove his every move. He was the hero that filled in your twisted, incomplete story.

You giggled.

"Hero, hero... heroooo~"

Whenever you committed a crime, he was always first on the scene. The first to try and hunt you down. Perhaps he was just as inexplicably drawn to you as you were to him. Or perhaps he was just a hero with a contempt for villains engrained within him.

At last, that cute cashier took his place behind the counter.

You slid on your red pumps and rearranged your tight halter top dress before slipping back down to the street.

You groaned inwardly. There was a security guard. You easily played the part of a drunken girl, and as he reached out to catch your falling form, you brushed your lips against his hand, and he froze like a paused movie. You quietly and inconspicuously dragged him behind a trashcan and proceeded to waltz into the store.

The cashier smiled at you. You smiled back, with a wink. You saw him blush slightly... not too bad looking.

After a moment of pretending to browse, he noticed your "struggle" asked if you needed help, then walked over to you.

You pulled the collar of your dress down a bit. Hehe. Here comes the fun part.

When he arrived, you lightly swirled him around and pinned him next to the displays. He let out a confused stutter, eyes flitting between your cleavage and your eyes.

Ah yes. They're all the same. You were hoping for a bit more... resistance... from this one.

You pressed a kiss on his lips and propped his frozen body in a back room.

You took your sweet time in choosing a diamond necklace.

After all, with your victims paralyzed like that, it always took Deku a little while to arrive.

. . .

You patiently waited on a nearby roof for your hero to arrive, fiddling with the new necklace draped around your neck. You knew he'd be the first to come.

And there he was, asking passerbys if he saw you, in that cute little costume of his.

You licked your lips.

"Here comes the true fun part." You twirled a piece of hair in your fingers.

"Deku~" You called. He snapped his neck towards you, frantically searching before his eyes locked on yours.

"It's nice to see you again~"

"Don't mo-" he started, immediately jumping after you.

But you were off, with surprising agility.

"Hehe... come after me, hero!"

. . .

"Stop right there, Medusa!"

You were out of breath and had to stop. It's been a while since you were chased for so long. Hehe. What a thrill. You regained your composure before looking back at your hero, about 5 feet away from you. He must be too nervous to get close, lest he be kissed.

"Medusa?" You asked innocently, looking up at him and batting your eyelashes flirtatiously. "Is that what they call me now? Hehe... let's not be so formal... please call me (y/n)."

He took a breath. His cheeks were tainted red, but he maintained a strong stance.

"It's best if you come quietly. You'll have less of a punishment."

You turned to him fully.

"I'll take any punishment if it's coming from you, hero~" You said sweetly.

His blush deepened and he visibly shuddered.

He was so cute. God, how you wanted to destroy that innocence. His mask had come off in the chase, and his freckled face stared at you with a mix of embarrassment and determination.

He took a step towards you, and you stepped towards him as well. You two were eye to eye. You briefly wondered why he didn't punch you to high heaven with his quirk.

He jolted back a bit, not expecting you to come closer. But making a bold decision, you grabbed on to his wrist and pulled him close.

He split into a blush and tried to pull away, but stopped as you ran a hand up his thigh.

The hand on his wrist moved up and curled into his hair. You pressed your chest against his and leaned in so that your noses almost touched.

"Why don't you pull away, hero?"

He sputtered, and stopped moving... he didn't need a kiss to become frozen.

"Where's your sense of duty, hm?

"Y-you..." he mumbled.

Your hand slipped from his thigh and over his crotch before it stopped at his chest.

"Keep on chasing me, hero... I love the thrill."

You pressed your lips against his quivering ones, and they quivered no more.

You slowly drew away and admired your cute little protagonist.

After all, you were just a villain, and he was just your hero.

In your childhood books, the protagonist always won in the end.

But for now, you simply turned your back to him and melted into the dark city streets.

"Hehe... better luck next time, hero~"

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