02 || Castiel's A Time Machine

942 23 22

Third Person PoV
|| Sam, Dean, Cas

"Wait, you're serious?" Dean questioned.

Their angel friend huffed once. Castiel looked to the younger brother for help.

Sam sighed. "He means what he says, Dean: that we have to go ahead some time. A case in the future got out of hand, and no hunter is on it. The police are taking it into their hands with no idea what really happened."

Dean raised both arms and placed them behind his head and faced Castiel. "And you know this, how?"

"All of Heaven is upset. It's not a demon, but it is a supernatural being you two have hunted before. I can muster enough power to transport us to that time, but it will be awhile before I could take us back," Castiel informed.

Sam hesitated. "How long would that take?"

"About three or four days. Twenty years takes more than reasonable power." Castiel finished and waited for the brothers to respond. Sam sighed lightly and looked for Dean's input.

"Wait, you're okay with this? It's the future, Sam. How do we know that we'll even get the right day or year?" Dean protested.

"You're going to have to trust Cas, then, Dean," Sam said. "It's one simple case twenty years from now. You have to try and be optimistic."

"Right, because I can't wait to get stuck in time. Gonna be great," Dean mumbled.

Castiel looked down. "I understand if it makes you uncomfortable, Dean, but I—"

"—We'll do it," Dean interrupted. Sam looked surprisedly at Cas then back to Dean. "We'll do it. Just please be careful?"

Castiel nodded. "I can assure that."

"Alright, lets go to the year 2038," Sam announced.

﹂﹁  ﹂﹁ ﹂﹁

In one bright blast of pale yellow light, Sam, Dean, and Cas were moved from their year and into the future. They traveled past elections, fights, and even some major technological advancements. In about twenty seconds (for twenty years) their feet all slammed into hard ground.

Sam and Dean both stumbled, but Cas stood still. When both brothers readjusted, they noticed Cas start to fall over. Dean immediately rushed over and caught the angel. Sam helped Dean.

"Cas? Cas, buddy, you okay?" Dean asked.

Castiel was unconscious. "He's unconscious, Dean, not dead. We need to get him somewhere," Sam told him.

"Dammit, Sammy, I knew this wasn't a good idea," Dean said while shaking his head. "Are we in the right year?"

Sam raised his head and looked around them. They appeared to be in an alley, but a screen read April 3rd, 2038.

"Holy crap, yeah we made it," Sam confirmed. "We're really here."

Dean started picking Cas up. "We need a hotel or something. We can't just leave him in this alley."

Sam nodded and he held up Cas' other side. Together, they walked Cas' heavy angel self to the end of the alley and spotted a hotel just not too far ahead. Quickly but carefully, they made their way.

﹂﹁  ﹂﹁ ﹂﹁

After checking in and getting settled, the two brothers and their angel friend researched a little more. They knew for sure that it wasn't a demon and began to think what else it could be. Couldn't be a werewolf because the lunar cycle wasn't right, but then it could've been a pureblood.

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