|:| Chapter Twenty - Finale 1 |:|

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~ (Y/N)s POV~

As we continue working I hear Aphmau slowly grow out of breath, Dottie notices and speaks up, "Aphmau... You really should take it easy.."
I giggle lightly and quickly pretend im out of breath but not as much seeing as im a werewolf and we don't tire as quickly.

"Yea, let us finish up the rest!" Ryland proposes, Aph solemnly shakes her head, "No, Im going to help set this up. The games are going to happen-" She pauses for breath as I finish for her, "Today." I say quietly and sit crossed legged on the wood.
"Today?!" Both Dottie and Ryland exclaim, I nod, "The sooner Ein is not Alpha the better!" Aph says in a low tone, treating the word Ein as venom.

"But Alpha! B-Beta, y-your pushing yourself to hard to set this u-up..." Dottie whimpers, suddenly remembering I quickly make myself look out of breath as Ryland continues on from Dotties point
"Yea.. will you have enough strength to challenge him today?" Ryland inquires, "It doesn't matter" I pant, "Im so tired and done with the werewolves fighting each other, this will end," - "Today" We say at the same time.

As we finish our sentence we quickly get back to work. I agree with Aph on ending this whole Ein thing. I heard that the old Alpha made him the new Alpha. And all I know is that Aphs old friend Aaron was the old Alpha. Honestly I don't know what she sees in him or what he sees in Ein to make him the new Alpha. But I guess that's just way life works around here...

"We just want you two to be careful Alpha and Beta.." Dottie says quietly, "W-We didn't mean to make you mad.." She continued. "We'll be fine.." Aph says, "Yea, don't worry. We're sorry, we didn't mean to kind of snap at you guys.." I sighed, "Its just I want peace with the werewolves at school..." Aphmau finished.

"We're just worried about your health Alpha and Beta.." Rylan said putting down his hammer, "Yea we don't want you two to push yourselves." Dottie says putting down her hammer next to Ryland's.
"Guys.." Aphmau says sympathetically, "Maybe I will take a small break" She says looking towards me to which I nod standing up and walking beside her, as soon as the words left Aphmau's mouth, both Dottie and Ryland's eyes light up.

"Oh really?!" Dottie exclaims, "Yea why not, I mean it is really early in the day, heck I don't even think the teachers are here yet." I giggle, "Plus if im challengi-" Aph begins but I elbow her, "-I mean if we're challenging him, we do need our rest." She finishes correcting herself.
"Yea! Let us do some of the work!" Ryland suggests, "We're on it!" Dottie yells as the two werewolves pick up their hammers and get back to work seeming to work harder and faster than they did while me and Aph were working with them.

I giggle and tap both of them on their shoulders, "Juuuust don't work too hard okay?" I say with a smile, "We wont work too hard, don't you worry Beta, we got this!" They say at the same time which is surprisingly amazing seeing as it was a fully sentence.

Aphmau and I walk away bursting out in laughter, however as we approached a wall of the school laughter died down as she collapsed to the floor in exhaustion while I leant one foot against the wall and leant my head back, there was a still silence with the faint noise of Dottie and Ryland working away in the distance. However the silence was soon broken by a voice calling out to my sister.

"Hey Aph!" A squeaky voice calls, I turn and see a boy with pale skin, bright, blue, icy eyes, and light blue hair. Must be a relative of Katelyn, he looks like the spitting image of her... just the opposite gender of course.

"Oh, morning Kasey." Aph says with a smile while she flips back her hair, "M-Morning! Wh-what are you do-doing out here so e-early?" He stutters out, I giggle at this and begin to wonder if little Kasey here has a crush on ol'Aph here. "We're setting up for the werewolf games today." Aph begins but I soon cut her off looking down, you know to get that cool girl look.

Bad Boys Girl  ( Gene x Reader )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя