|:| Chapter Fifteen |:|

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"(Y/N), I see your still in constant contact with Gene lately. I don't like it. Now you know whats coming." Zane said folding his arms, I sighed nodding my head. And then the beating began.

Ever since ive been doing Zanes dirty work, him and his gang have been beating me up every now and then.

It starts of by my bag being thrown to the ground.
Then they throw up my sleeves revealing all my cuts and scars.
I get a strong punch to the ribs causing the air to be knocked out of me.
Someone kicks the back of my kness making me fall down in pain.
Hits come left and right until im shoved onto the ground forcefully.

" Get up (Y/N) " Zane spat at me, I groaned and propped myself onto my hands, " I said stand! " He shouts and kicks me over, I scramble to my feet in pain until more punches come towards me. 
"What happened to the girl I knew back in O'Khasis huh? I thought she could take on anyone!" Zane scoffs and I spit out blood, "If I fight back, then youll just make it worse.." I managed to mumble out before they continue to hit me.

A few minutes later I collapse fully and see full darkness.

~Genes POV cause im lazy ;P ~

As im walking through the park I hear some voices.

"I think we hit her too much man..."

"Yea she looks horrible..Maybe we went a bit overboard?"

"Nah, she deserves it for going against me again. Remember if she says anything we can always beat up her gang. Shes quite weak when it comes to them." 

I saw a small group of people walk away and I started walking in the direction where they came from.

Did they beat someone up?

Right as I stepped foot of the park my eyes widened and horrid was written on my face. My mouth was agape and I immediately ran over to the limp body that was (Y/N)

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" I shook her in an attempt to wake her up.

Her clothes were kinda teared, and bruises and cuts littered her body. Those cuts and bruises were...


Im so sorry, im so, so sorry for not realising sooner..

I wrapped my jacket around her, and picked her up carefully then began carrying her home back to mine. 
"Im sorry.." I heard her whisper, is she having a nightmare?..

I suddenly stopped walking and looked down at her only to see her with tears on her eyes., while she silently muttered some in audible words. 

"Im s- faul- Gene..."

My eyes widened and I could feel my heart breaking as soon as I saw her wanting to cry.
My eyes themselves began to water and I choked back the tears and continued walking ahead, ignoring the tears about to fall down my face.

Stupid! Why didn't you ask for help?! Why would you let this happen?! Endure the pain all by yourself, and for what? Who wants to li-...

Live like that?!

A tear ran my cheek and I quickly blinked a few times to help hold them back more. 
Your stubborn as heck (Y/N), just ask for help stupid! Why go through all this trouble? For what?


"(Y/N).. wake up... please..." I called quietly.  "Mph.." (Y/N) stirred and slowly opened her beautiful (E/C) eyes, "(Y/N)!!" I called happily engulfing her in a hug, "Nymph! To- tight.. ca-cant breath-e" She whimpered, "S-Sorry!" I let go of her and rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Wait, Gene?!" I see her go to say an insult but I quickly cover her mouth and shake my head, "I know what happened with Zane, or at least I think so... Please (Y/N), be real with me now, if you do hate me then hate me, but please just... just be honest with me..." I whispered looking down. 

"Gene.." (Y/N) lifted up my chin and stared into my eyes, "Wha-" I was cut off by her lips crashing into mine, my eyes widened in shock before I melted into the kiss pulling her towards me and wrapping my arms around her. 

After a few minutes we pulled away for air, we pressed our foreheads together as we both smiled, "Genie..." 

"Mhm?" I asked, "I... I love you... " She whispered, my eyes widened before I chuckled smiling greatly, "I love you too Sunshine.." I said before pulling her into another kiss, this time full of passion, sadness, and joy. 

'I did the one thing I promised myself not to do... I did..'


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter! Ive been busy with a lot lately so I haven't had time to fully update in a 1000+ plus words each chapter. So sorry about that.

Until next time...

~Aarlly Out ;) x

Bad Boys Girl  ( Gene x Reader )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ