|:| Chapter Two |:|

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" So tell me Tiger~ Whats your relationship with Zane.." 


" Why do you want to know. " I struggled trying to get out of Genes grip, I could feel his breath on my neck giving me goose bumps. 

"Because I don't want you hanging out with him. " He spoke whispering in my ear.

" Whats it to you.. " I keep trying to talk tough. But for some reason I'm feeling weak yet safe in his arm, wait what am I saying? Ugh I can NOT be falling for this dingus. 

" Just tell me what he is to you. I mean, he seemed like you two know each other. Especially after what he called you.. what was it again? " He chuckled

" slumiskant " I growl, " What is that exactly? I'm not sure that's even a real word. " Zenix asked, " It means "  ( Warning theres will be uncensored cussing ) I take a deep breath and sigh, " It means, slut, mistake, skank. All mixed in one. " I feel Genes grip loosen on me slightly.

" What? " Zenix almost yelled.

" Why would he call you that? He cant even be rude to a high schooler! " Sasha said folding her arms.

Gene still had a grip around me so he turned me around to face him. " Why. Would. He. Call. You. That. " He growled making me try to struggle out of his grip some more, he tightened his grip, " Why. " He said again, " I.. " I began when Gene cut me off " Sasha, Zenix, leave. " The two nodded and walked out. 

" Tell me why he would call you that. " He repeats. I shake my head, " Its none of your business. " I move out of his grip and begin to walk away when Gene grabs me pinning me against the wall. 

" Gene let me go, I will kick you and you don't want that. " I growl, " Not until you tell me " I roll my eyes.

" Back in O'Khasis Prep I led a gang. Zane always wanted to join, gathered I kinda liked him but we always rejected him. Then one day he decided to prove himself by fighting someone in my gang, I got mad so I beat him up so he would get the point of 'No'. Ever since Zanes been on my bad side and ive been on his. " I say glaring at Gene who still has me pinned.

" You... You had a gang? " I tsk, " Have honey, I still have a gang. " I smirk as he smirks along with me, " Well well well tiger. Looks like we shadow knights have some competition. " I roll my eyes, " Its Y/N " I stamp on his foot making him release me, I bend down and whisper in his ear, " And don't you forget it. " And with that I walk away. 


" And so the catalyst brings two reactants together to make a product but the catalyst itself isn't used up. " The teacher says with a smile, I roll my eyes and put my feet up on the desk sighing. " Ah Miss (L/N) seeing as you seem to be relaxing, could you please give the class a quick summary of what a catalyst does? " She asks folding her arms clearly thinking I wont be able to answer. 

" The catalyst speeds up a chemical reaction. However no matter the reaction or the reactants the catalyst is never used up. " I smirk as the teachers jaw dropped then she corrected herself, " I suppose you were listening. " She turns back to the bored as I hear someone giggling behind me I turn and see the people I despise talking to.  

" Heeeeey sis " Aphmau giggles, " Hello 'sister' " I air quote on sister, and glare at Garroth and Laurance who try and give me sweet smiles. " So (Y/N).. about that kiss... " Garroth begins but I snap my fingers cutting him off, " Shut it Garroth, neither you or Laurance are getting a kiss, nor is anyone. " I say turning back around and chewing on my pencil. 

" Excuse me miss! " I hear someone  say from beside me, " Yes Ivy? " Great Ivy aka the school B. She acts so cool when shes not, I heard she bullied Aph in freshmen year but I weren't there, if I was I would have beat her ass even though Aph isn't really my sister.
" Didn't you say earlier we were getting a three part homework with 10 questions on each part? " She smirks and I begin wondering how much trouble ill get in if I punch her... 


As I'm walking to my hill I feel that the bracelet on my wrist missing, my eyes immediately widen as I stiffen into a state of complete shock. No no no where is it?! That thing means the freaking world to me!! 

I frantically being searching the small area around me looking for it when I hear someone come up behind me, " Hello Tiger~ " Great, its Gene." What Gene! " I say rather aggressively, he raises his hand in defence, " Woa woa woa, calm down jeez, whats got your stripes in a twist? " He asks and I hold back the tears. 

" No-None of your business " I turn away hoping he wont see my tear filled eyes. " Hey.. " He moves his hand and places it on my shoulder, " Tell me.. " I sniff and wipe my eyes quickly, " Why would I tell you! " I shrug off his shoulder, " Fine, don't tell me. I was just trying to help. " He begins to walk away, good thing two, I mean wait.. " Gene! " I call and he turns, " What " I continue to not try and cry in front of him, " I... I could use your help.. " He walks back over, " (Y/N) whats happened.. your usually so .. so badass... whats happened? " I bite my lip wanting to cry but I cant seem weak in front of the one guy I need to impress. 

" I um... lost something really special to me.. I need it back before I go somewhere. Someone really special to me gave it to me when we were little, I promised id keep it safe! I ne- " I finally broke and started crying, causing Gene to be taken aback a small part but then he pulled me into his chest and stroked my back waiting for me to carry on, " I never take it off... ive had it since I was six.. I made a promise to him... " I took a deep breath as I remembered the promise, " I may forget him, but never our special hill or the bracelet... " He held me tighter, " He sa-said that on-one day we would use the bracelets to fi-find each other ag-ag-again.. " I continued crying into him as he rubbed my back and quietly shsd me. 

" Ill help you... where did you last see it.. " He quietly asked, even for Gene this is weird ive never seen him actually care, " I had it when I left.. now its gone.. " I look up seeing him nod, " Well I was heading somewhere but now I guess ill help you... " His tone has changed he seems... pitiful... Whatever, I watch as he actually helps me search.


" I'm never gonna fi-"

" Found it! " I look up, " What?! " I yell running over to him, I see the bracelet in his hand I squeal and tackle Gene to the ground rolling around, as he laughs watching me try to take the bracelet. 

" Gene gimme gimme gimme!! " I say as we keep rolling around as he keeps his hand raised up for me not to take it. " At least let me look at it (Y/N)! " He yells, " No give it back I'm late enough!! " I yell and we stop rolling, Gene chuckles and hands me my bracelet to which I quickly get up and begin running even though Gene was calling my name. 


I stop running when I reach the hill, I pant and walk to the top, " Hey Mr Oakeinstein.. " I smile patting the large tree trunk, I turn and sit on top on the hill looking down at the large lake sitting below the hill. 

" I hope ill see you soon... I miss you.. even if I did forget you... I never forgot our promise... " 

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