|:| Chapter Seventeen |:|

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"(Y/N)!!" A chirpy voice calls, I turn and see Katelyn running towards me with another girl following close behind her, "Uh, hey Kate? Whos this?" I questioned, studying the strangely familiar girl, she had blue hair but it was a darker shade than Katelyns, she had pale skin which caused me not to giggle,(LET ME EXPLAIN BEFORE YALL MURK ME!! Basically I have really really REALLY pale skin in real life, the reason I said it causes you not to giggle is because at the time your thinking, 'Man it must be hard to find the right skin tone foundation.' PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS AS OFFENCE IF YOU ARE PALE SKINNED, its just for me at least I can NEVER find foundation that matches my skin tone without making look like a discount Donald Trump genderbend. And also no offence to any Donald Trump supporters, im just stating the truth people!!! And also, a little story time with Aarlly :) When I went to Barcelona, on the last day everyone was talking to each other and saying "My mums gonna say I got such a good/bad tan. Its really noticeable," Then they turned to me, "So Aarlly, (please remember I use Aarlly to protect my identity, I will explain whenever I am comfortable with it so please don't pressure me into revealing my name..) "So Aarlly, whats your mum gonna say when you get back?" At that moment I wanted to burst out laughing, I thought they were all blind, I didn't tan one single bit. And I wore crop tops, shorts Basically I was welcoming the sun with open arms, also we were always outside meaning THE SUN WAS ALWAYS THERRREEE!!! But I didn't tan one single bit, so I turned to them and said, "My mums gonna take one look at me and say, 'Oh did you get paler?'" Then I burst out laughing leaving the others to look at me as if I were mad? I know right? The nerve of some people, (Comment if you laugh and people look at your like your mad, I need to know im not the only one XDD) But now I know that they had no idea I was pale and so didn't get it... but I don't get how they didn't notice how pale I was when I actually blinded one of them with my pale arm... no joke I raised my arm when the sun hit it and I blinded one of them XDD that's how pale I am!! But yea, sorry I needed to tell someone this and I thought I might tell you guys! Leave me your mini story times and if you want, ill read them and give a shoutout to you, and add your story maybe as a character or you can automatically be an OC, I don't know but lemme know your story times! Anywayyy back to the story!)"This is Glitch, my best friend since..." She pauses, "Diapers." The girl finishes causing the two of them to laugh leaving me standing awkwardly, I guess Katelyn noticed because she turned back around, "Sorry about that. But Glitch is new here! She used to go O'Khasis." As the words left her mouth my eyes widened. 

"Wait... (Y/N)?" Glitch exclaims, I take a step back as a smile appears on her face, clearly fake, "Oh my Irene, I haven't seen you since you used to lead the Midni-" I quickly cut her off, "Sorry to burst your bubble sweetie, but I still lead my gang. " I said folding my arms, I watched as the smile on her lips faded before she quickly snapped back and giggled, "Its a real shame ya know?-" Glitch began to walk towards me, I looked over her shoulder and saw Katelyn being hit on by Travis... again.. 

"- I remember always hanging with you" The fake smile faded and was replaced by a smirk. "Yea yea, cut the crap Glitch" I said rolling my eyes, "Oh (Y/N), cant we jus-" 


Both me and Glitch turned to see Travis laying on the floor, holding his stomach in pain groaning and possibly even crying? 
"For the last time Travis... I AM DATING JEFFORY!!" Katelyn yelled clenching her fists, Glitch turned to look and me and I looked back at her, then we burst out laughing, "Haha, heh.. its good to see ya Alpha." Glitch giggled before I quickly snapped my head up, ignoring my aching stomach from laughing. "Glitch! Please, no one knows!!" I whispered, "Oh sorry, im guessing your not here?" She asked earning a shake from me, "Beta female. My sister is Alpha female." I sighed, a warm hand was placed on my shoulder. "Its ok, anyway-" I looked up confused at why she stopped only to see her staring at something. 

I turned to follow her line of sight for my eyes to meet none other than, Jax, Ryder, and of course. "Ein.." I growled lowly, "You know him?" Glitch asked, "Alpha Male, I challenged him to the werewolf games in a few weeks..." I said clenching my fists, "O-oh... but I kinda have to admit... him and his friends are kinda cute.." I looked up, my mood completely changed, "Go say hi or whatever then. See how 'cute' they are then" I said adding air quotations for extra affect. 

Glitch rolled her eyes and walked off, "Well well well, looks likes someone hasn't changed." I heard a deep voice chuckle behind me, I turned and saw none other than, "Zane. What do you want?" I asked blankly folding my arms, "Don't talk to me like that. Now, hows Gene?" He said with a smirk, as im about to reply someone else does for me, "Im fine thanks for asking." An arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into the side of someones chest.
"What?!" Zane almost yelled, "Look (Y/N) can handle herself, but as for now." Gene walked closer as Zane backed up, "Back. Off. Her." Gene spat before pushing Zane to the ground then turning to me. "Ready to go Sunshine." He asked and I replied with a nodding giggle.


"Hey (Y/N)" Both Zenix and Sasha call at the same time, I giggle and wave only to see a familiar dark blue haired girl walk past with Jax and Ryder, I roll my eyes and turn back to the Shadow Knights, "Yo (Y/N), who pulled your tail?" I immediately turned and stared at Sasha wide eyed, does she know?! Was my first thought, "I think its that new girl, what was her name again? Witch?.."  I sighed in relief before speaking up, "Its Glitch. She used to go to O'Khasis with me before I moved, I guess a lot of my past is starting to catch up with me.." I mumbled the last part when I heard a whistle, I turned and saw one of Zanes goons eyeing me up.

"Daayaaam (Y/N), looking smoking today" He said with a smirk, I rolled my eyes and folded my arms, I quickly glanced down at my outfit and looked down at what I was wearing.

"Sorry doofus, shes taken." Gene said protectively stepping out in front of me. "By who? And also could he share?" And now im grossed out... some guys in this school are such pervs... "Shes taken, by me! And not you or nor will anyone else touch her so back the fu-" 

"Gene! Enough, please!" I said quickly grabbing onto Genes arm, "Now listen up honey cause I aint gonna repeat it." I released Genes arm and walked up to the boy, "Don't talk to me, don't try and beat me up, heck don't even LOOK at me, or youll loose whatever form of balls you have even though I predict you don't have any. " Moving swiftly I kicked him to the floor and walked back to the group. 

"You guys wanna skip?" I asked earning a nod. 


Hey guys sorry this chapter was a little short. Exams have been so hectic and ive just been so tired. So I don't really have anything else to say sooo

Until next time...

~Aarlly Out ;) x

(Also well done to @Fallen_Sama for being the only one who entered the OC contest XDD. Your OC is gonna be placed in all the books xx )

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