Part 10- Meeting the boys!

Start from the beginning

Jack walked through with a brown haired man who was shorter than him. 

"Belle" Jack said. "This is Joe!"

"H-hi" I stuttered nervously. 

"Hi Belle!" Joe said, smiling.

"I'll bring Caspar in next!" Jack said and he left.

"You ok?!" Joe asked.

"Y-yeah" I said.

"Bit nervous?!" he asked, giving me a sympathetic smile.

"A bit" I answered.

"That's ok!" he said, smiling.

Jack came through with the man called Caspar.

"Hi!" Caspar squealed which caused me to jump.

"Caspar!" Joe hissed.

"Sorry, I um, just got a fright!" I said, quietly.

"It's ok!" Jack said, smiling. 

"I'm Caspar" Caspar said.

"Hi" I said, shyly.

"Do you want Mikey or Josh next, Belle?!" Jack asked me.

I've been fine with Joe and Caspar coming in. Maybe i'll be ok with more than one person coming in at once?

"Both" I replied.

"You sure?!" Jack asked.

I nodded.

Jack came back through with a tall ginger-haired man and a man wearing a leather jacket. 

"Belle, this is Josh" he said, pointing to the ginger-haired man.

"Hi" I said shyly.

"Hi Belle!" Josh said smiling.

"And this is Mikey" Jack said, pointing to the man wearing a leather jacket.

"Hi Belle!" Mikey said.

"Hi" I said shyly.

Conor walked through.

"Where's my niece?!" Conor said, coming up to hug me.


We were all in the living room sitting on the sofa. I was learning more about them; turns out they're all youtubers. 

I really like them all; they're all really nice.

Mikey was currently telling me about school stuff.

"And I went to university!" he said, proudly.

"Mikey you got kicked out of university!" Joe laughed.

Just then, Jack's phone rang. 

"I'll be back in a minute!" he said.

Jack's POV

My phone rang. I saw it was Lexi, my manager, so I got up and went through to the kitchen to take the call. 

"Hey Lexi!" I said.

"Jack, have you forgotten?!" she asked.

"Forgotten what?!" I asked, confused.

"Jack, it's Friday!" Lexi said.

"And?!" I said.

Where was she going with this?! 

"You have a DJ event in Glasgow tonight and tomorrow remember?!" she said.

"Oh god!!" I said. "I totally forgot!"

"Just pack your bag!" Lexi said. "It's only just after 2pm. Your event doesn't start till 9pm. I'll book you a train now!"

"I'll have to get Belle packed too!" I said. 

"Jack!" Lexi said. "I know she's your daughter, but she can't come!"

"What!" I said, shocked. "But she has to! She's my kid! She needs me!"

"Jack, the event is in a club! It's far too inappropriate for a ten year old!"

"But I can't leave her for a full weekend!" I said. "She's only been here for a week!"

"Jack I know it's going to be hard but it's only for a weekend!" Lexi explained. "Next time you have an event we'll hire an extra person from management and they can watch her so she'll be able to come with us!"

I knew I wasn't going to win this! And Lexi was right, I can't have Belle going to clubs! It's not right for someone her age!"

"Ok!" I said and hung up. 

I walked back through to the living room. 

"Guys!" I said. "I have to go to Glasgow!"

"What? Why?!" Conor asked.

"I forgot about my DJ event this weekend!" I said.

"Oh" Josh said.

I crouched down in front of Belle.

"Belle, you can't come" i said.

"W-what?" she said quietly, tears in her eyes.

"I'm not allowed!" I said. "I'm sorry, but you can't come!"

End of part 10


So Belle can't go! What will happen to her?! Love you all! Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

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