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*Harry pov*

Me and Louis we're snuggling next to each other on the couch laughing at the new series of Family Guy. So far Peter has just found out he has a head growing out of his shoulder and has called him Chip. This is the best show EVER. "Harry?"

"Yes babe" I asked turning my attention away from the T.V to my pregnant boyfriend.

"We haven't told our parents that I'm pregnant." He said

Shit I forgot all about that with Louis' cravings and mood swing and all the shit at school it must have forgotten.

"Why don't we phone them and ask if they want to come over for dinner and we tell them then?"I explained

" Yeah okay, Well I'm tired im going to bed care to join me?" He smirked and turned to go to our bedroom

I turned of the T.V and followed close behind him.

"I'm only joined you becuse I'm tired

not for the reason you're probably think " I said while stripping into my boxers

"Yeh yeh what ever you say Styles"He chuckled while pulling the covers down and climbed into the bed.

"You are so dirty minded" I laughed and got into the bed

"I'm NOT dirty minded I just have a sexy imagination"Said Louis

"Thats not only the thing thats sexy about you" I mumbled

"What did you say?" Louis asked already half asleep

"Nothing babe just go to sleep we have your doctors appointment tomorrow"i said

"And we have to tell our parents "

"That to now come on get some sleep dont want you moody in the morning" I said

"Whatever goodnight Harry" He saod while giving me a quick kiss

" Night babe" I said a dosed of into a deep sleep.

*Next Day* *Louis pov*

"Babe time to wake up we have to get to your appointment soon." said Harry while shaking my shoulder

"Five more minutes " I mumbled

"No were going to be late and we still have to phone our family to see if there coming over for dinner tonight so get your ass up " He said pulling the covers off me

"Ugg fine only becuse I want to see my baby not becuse of you. " I said while making my way to the bathroom to pee.

"Okay , what do you want for breakfast?" asked Harry

"Emmm. French toast? "

"Okay ill be downstairs if you need me"He said

☺~skip time ~☺

We made our way into the hospital and walked to the front desk "Hi I have an appointment at 1:00 with Doctor Anderson?"I said. The receptionist typed away at her computer "Name" she said sound bored.

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson"

"Take a seat"

I walked over to were Harry was sitting and waited for the doctor to come

"She was rude"I mumbled

"How"Harry questioned

"I was being polite and everything to her and she just looked and answered me with a bored tone. rude bitch."I said mumbling the last part so she didn't hear.

Harry Im Pregnant ( Larry stylinson )Where stories live. Discover now