Chapter 2: Welcome to the family

Start from the beginning

The medic smirked slightly:

"Good, then get back to reading this datapad. And I want a summary in a joor."

And with that he lifted her servo and pressed the discarded datapad back into her small servo. She huffed and frowned but finally began to read from the screen before her. Ratchet smiles and pats her helm knowing it would annoy the feisty youngling. He then turned back to two soldiers right at the time they decided to drop two cartons of supplies on the floor.

"We need those you unweildy bots!" he snapped as he whipped out to wrenches in both servos and deftly swung them at the two soldiers.

With the aim of a trained knife thrower, his wrenches hit both Autobot warriors squarely on the helm just above the optics.

"Ow! Sorry, Commander Ratchet!" one of them yelped.

"It won't happen again, sir!" the other promised as he rubbed his helm.

"See that it doesn't"! Ratchet glowered "Now get out!"

The warriors didn't need to be told twice.

"Ratchet, if you keep scaring away the bots, we won't have an army "Ironhide smirked as he stomped in, Optimus at his side.

Bumblebee stumbled behind them, his optics looking at the area in apprehencion.

Ratchet turned to glare at the weapons master before his optics notice the youngling standing with them. He looks up to Optimus and groans:

"Not another orphan Optimus!"

The Prime nodded sadly:

"I'm afraid so. We found this little one hiding under the rubble."

Ratchet sighed before coming closer. Bumblebee, startled by the hard stare of the medic, ran for cover behind Ironhide. Ironhide glances down at him:

"Come on out kid, there's nothing to fear here."

"Bumblebee, Ratchet is here to help. No harm will come to you. You are among friends" Optimus gently said.

Bumblebee glanced up and nodded slowly as he stepped from around Ironhide to gaze up at Ratchet. Ratchet seemed amused as he bent down:

"So he knows my reputation already?"

"The running bots from your med bay made it pretty obvious" Ironhide smirked.

The medic ignored him as he lifted the yellow youngling with uncharacteristic gentleness and placed him on the berth closest to him. Bumblebee looked up at him as Ratchet raised his servo and explained:

"I'm going to scan you, this won't hurt I promise."

The youngling managed a soft "Okay."

He then scanned the young Cybertronian and checked his vitals.

"His energon levels are severely low, but nothing a good ration of energon can't fix" he reported.

"You hear that kid? Ironhide smiled, Ratchet's not going to have to go all Docbot on you!"

"Ironhide, don't make me use the wrench on you!" Ratchet threatened.

"No, anything but the wrench!" Ironhide begged mockingly "Optimus, tell him not to use the mighty wrench!"

Optimus seemed amused but before he could speak Bumblebee started giggling.

Ratchet turned with mock anger;

"You dare to question the power of the wrench, child?"

The yellow youngling immediately stopped and shook his helm, but the effort seemed weak.

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