It was Pragya's turn to get shocked. She didn't see that coming. She expected a protest,a fight and angry yelling; yet none came.
"It's not like him . you are not him . where is my husband? What have you done to him?"
Her mind screamed.
But no answer came,he was just slumped beside her: DEFEATED.
He looked like someone who has been swimming in the storm for too long , at last gave in & left themselves on the mercy of the waves awaiting the end.

"Right , fake papa" she said;
papering a smile while she broke down inside.
"There is still something he needs to know"
She thought as she looked into herself for courage to break an important news.
King is pacing in his room.
Stressed at what they may decide.
Fearing how will he live if they took his Kiara away.
What he will do without Pragya.
"I can't let this happen, I have to talk to them,she is my daughter as much as she is theirs. I have a equal right to have a say in her future,especially if it affects me."
He said to himself and stormed out of his room.

King came down to find both of them smiling.
'They have decided to take my princess away from me.'
He got horror-stricken with the thought & hurried to Abhi, crouched down in front of him and looked him in the eye and reasoned:
"Listen,I understand, what you must be feeling staying away from your child. Even the thought of losing her makes me suffocate..."
Then he got teary eyed and begged him.
".....I may not be her father but I am her Dada; don't take away my princess. I took care of them for last 7 years ,right.. I will keep them safe and happy ,you can come to meet them whenever you like . I will never object."

"You promise? I am handing over my life to you ,do you promise to keep them safe and happy?"
Abhi asked him in a serious tone.

"Thank you ,yes ,yes I promise"   king said hugging him, something he never thought he would do even in his dreams.

"You will let them come with me ,then"   asked a quiet relieved King, after pulling back from the hug.

"To London, yeah." replied Abhi.

King shot a questioning glance to Pragya, who was lost in some deep thought.

She signalled him to leave and that she was getting there.

"Uh sorry ,to barge in like this , I was worried for my princess."
he excused himself and left.

"He is a good guy ,strange but good.said Abhi.

Pragya took a deep breath and spoke.
"We are leaving Delhi, tomorrow"

"What ? But why ? Where would you go ?" Shouted a surprised Abhi.

"Oh there you are." Pragya thought and smiled to herself.

She replied in a serious but gentle tone.
"We have to and you know why .Alia and Tanu both know about her . you know what they are capable of . I can't risk our daughter's life , and also you wouldn't, would you?"

Abhi stared at her as saying I gave you both up , now I am not even allowed to see you two it's not fair.

"Life is never fair , it hasn't been to us at least ,"
Pragya said blinking a few tears.

"Where are you going?" enquired Abhi.

"Not decided yet." she lied.

He saw in her eyes ,she was lying .Her eyes pleaded to him
For kiara
He got up and kissed her on the forehead and mumbled against her head..
I love you ... I love you both
Then kissed her again saying
"It's for my angel. "
And left.

The dark moon reminds Abhi of the very first they got drunk together & grin made it's way on his lips.

"Alia and tanu"
he repeated to himself wiping his tears.
He stood up and took a coin out of his jeans.

"Tanu is dumb,so tails.
Alia is clever ,so heads."
He said and tossed the coin.

As the coin hit the ground,he looked and pronounced the result in a determined tone

    "Tanu it is "

The end of prologue.
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Thanks .... Merci ..... Gracias... Shukriya..... Dhanevat

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