-Surprises & Sinking ships. [Chapter 29]

Start from the beginning

He questioned still hugging me and pressing kisses to my forehead and temple. Turning slightly I gazed up at him still beaming like a complete idiot, but I was just glad to have him with me again I suppose.

“Well, I was going shopping but now I’m spending time with you which is a lot better.”

He smiled even more at this brushing some hair from my eyes with his thumb and leaning down closer to me resting his forehead on mine.

“I’m glad to hear it…What time is your flight tomorrow?”

“Eight, I’m leaving at six.”

Niall nodded chewing on his lower lip and furrowing his brow clearly thinking about something. He looked back to me a small smile quirking at the corner of his lips.

“Stay with me tonight? Pleeease.”

That did sound a lot more inviting than going home and spending the night dealing with my Mother’s constant naggings and telling’s of how I needed to sort myself out before I went back into work.

“Okay,” I gave in and he grinned. “My Mum will have to shove it if she wants me to stay at home.”

“They still don’t know?”

He asked furrowing his brow as if this was surprising. When important, I was good at keeping secrets from my parents, even more so when we hardly ever spoke, making any absences I held with being in the household so much easier to conceal. Maybe I did take after my Mother slightly, always so easy and quick to conceal things because it was easier than dealing with the inconvenience of the un-reserved truth.


I concluded popping the p, he smiled but it was a smaller one this time. Less convinced less enthusiastic.

“When are you gonna tell them?”

I shrugged.

“When it’s necessary I suppose.”

“And that’s when?”

“I guess when everyone else finds out.”

There seemed to be something Niall wanted to say but didn’t. Something he wanted or needed to tell me but held back. I hated it when I got that sense that there was something that he wasn’t telling me, hated it. I suppose sometimes it’s for the best but I’m a curious person, I like to know I suppose. I just like to know what’s going on, where I stand; I hate missing puzzle pieces, complete the puzzle or don’t bother at all.

“Fair enough. Now do you wanna take your car back first or…”

“Well that depends, are we going back to the house or not?”

“Well that also depends, would you like to?”

Smiling I leant my forehead further onto his as he inched his lips slowly closer and as he did so I felt my heart speed up again. It had been way too long and now that he was here, holding me, talking to me, just being with me, I had a strong craving to kiss him and right now that he was finally here I realised just how much I had missed him.


I replied but his lips were already descending onto mine each second slipping away as easiest as the last as I melted into the kiss, closing my eyes I secured my arms around his neck as I stood up on my tip-toes and he tightened his around my waist pulling me close to him. As his lips moved against mine I suddenly felt a lump rising in my throat. I didn’t know what this was or why but as my heart beat quickened and I felt that sudden rush of warmth amerce my whole body flooding my veins with some form of liquid happiness that I got drunk off of straight away, like getting drunk off of him, off of love, off of happiness. I then knew that it was happy tears brewing inside of me, just the sheer thought of having him back with me even for only just a few hours or so it was purely a blessing. Suddenly I found myself craving to cancel my flight tomorrow, cancel going back to work and moving back in, in New York and to just stay in England with him but I knew I couldn’t do that. I was expected back at work by the day after tomorrow and everything was sorted out. It was a choice, of course it was nobody was forcing me to go with the challenged of death or anything but it was one of those things you just sort of had to do. Besides, I couldn’t keep on missing work forever.

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