"Anyways!" Ashton starts. "How is Jay? The girls?" Louis mood goes even more down and Ashton notices, as well as Harry.

"Mom is fine and the girls probably as well." he simply says, continue to eat his lasagna. "How did you meet?" Louis changes the topic, looking at Ashton and Luke while eating.

Ashton sends a concerned look towards his friend, but let him change the topic. So he starts telling the story of how he met Luke.


"Wait! Why did no one tell me that before? What if I have plans?"

It's friday and Louis just came home, finding his mom sitting on the couch, watching some show. He was confused, because usually she would already prepare or make dinner. So the male omega asked and found out that they are invited for dinner to the Styles-houshold.

He doesn't have any plans, by the way.

"And why does Harrys dad want to meet us?" Louis asks further, frowning in confusion.

Jay chuckles as she gets up. "Because Desmond is the pack leader, silly. He wants to meet his newest pack members." The wolf walks past her son, who stands there dumbfound.

"Wait! What?!" He follows his mother upstairs to hers and Yasars bedroom. "Why does no one tell me shit?!"

"Language!" he hears from downstairs. Anger bubbles up at the voice so he leaves his mom with picking out proper clothes alone to get to the new arrived lads.

Louis points a finger at all three of them. "Why did no one tell me that he" he points accusingly at Harry "is the fucking son of the fucking pack leader?!"

"Watch you language, Louis." Harry repeats himself, this time with a stricter tone to his voice.

He really isn't a fan of the use of foul language.

"What would be different? Would you have treated him better if you knew sooner?" Zayn asks, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.

Louis feels the anger subside, but panic rise. His breathing and heartbeat increases as unwanted memories play in his head. The brown haired omega shakes his head, looking at nothing in particular as he steps backwards.

"Woh!" Harry says as he notices what's going on. "Louis, calm down." He steps closer to his assigned omega, but stops as Louis looks up at him wide eyed and flinches. No, that didn't hurt Harry at all.

"No!" Louis says surprisingly loud, but panic obvious.

Alarmed by that sound Jay sprints down the stairs just to see her son having a panic attack.

"Lou!" In less than a heartbeat she is infront of Louis and has her hands on his shoulders. "Look at me, Boo." Louis looks up hesitating, eyes filled with tears. "Breathe with me." She inhales, Louis copies her action. She exhales slowly, Louis copies again. "He is not here. He won't hurt you again." Jay says quiet but confident.

With her words the female omega confuses the three young werewolves. They exchange a look, asking if someone knows what she means by her words, but everyone shrugs.

Louis' breathing and heartbeat calmed down again and Jay sends him up to his room to calm down more and think about what he will wear for the dinner. Then she turns to the other three.

"Don't worry about him." she claims and just increases the concerns Harry has for the omega. "He is fine, I have it under control." She smiles at Harry with a sad smile. "Don't take it personal, love."

"What was that about?" Harry asks the question everyone asked themself.

Jay sighs and shakes her head. "That's his story to tell, but he will be fine." she assures more confident now. "He will be his usual self when we are at your place."

Harry nods, not quite sure yet if Louis is fine. "Okay, uhm, see you in a few. I gotta head back home to help a little." Harry says and leaves a moment later.

Zayn and Niall exchange a worried look. "He is really fine? Should I talk to him?" Niall asks, turning to Jay. The older omega shakes her head, eyes closed, but smiling slightly.

"No, darling. Talking won't bring much if you don't know the story." she explains.

"He could tell me?" Niall asks more than states.

"I'm sorry, Niall, but he won't. He doesn't trust you guys enough just yet." Niall nods sad.

Zayn noticed the depressing mood of his boyfriend and puts an arm around the smaller lads waist to pull him closer. He plants a kiss on the bleached hair. "He will warm up to you eventually, baby." Zayn assures, making Niall nod. "Let's get ready ourselfs, okay?"

"Yea." Niall says, sounding sad making both hearts, Zayn and Jays, break a little.

The alpha hates to see Niall like that. He always wants him to be happy and smiling, because then he knows Niall is fine. And if Niall is fine, so is Zayn. Right now Niall isn't fine, way too worried about his friend and sad that Louis doesn't really trust him yet.

"It's been only five days, Ni." Zayn says as they walk into his room. "He'll come around." Niall nods again.

Zayn sighs as he can't lighten the mood. He closes the door before stopping Niall from sitting down on the bed and pulling him close into his chest.

"I love you, Niall." Niall smiles into Zayns chest. Those words always make him happy coming from Zayn.

"I love you too." he mumbles against the tallers chest, smiling.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now