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          im writing this letter on my seemingly never ending flight to london. to see you. i'm vigorously writing while everyone else has called it a night. the plane is filled with snoring and silence, and the scribbling of a pen on paper. they probably hate me because my light is the only one on right now.

          when i see you, i'll read this aloud to you, because i'm afraid i won't be able to say the right words when i see you. i'm afraid i won't be able to say what i actually want to say.
i'll mumble and fidget and forget everything i had practiced a million times in the bathroom mirror.

          you are my favorite human. you're my best friend. (don't tell maisy) i feel like i could tell you anything; my deepest darkest secrets, and you'd be the last to judge. you're kind and patient, and selfless, and loving. i love how you always make sure everyone is happy and comfortable. i love your smile that brightens everyone's day. i love how you put everyone else before you. i love everything about you.
i love you.

          i've thought about this for a long time. a very long time. everyone had to tell me repeatedly these were not normal feelings, these were the same feelings i had when i first met you. do you remember that day? i think it was one of the best days of my life.

          we met at the after party of the oscars. i had no idea who you were. my date had left me and it was the same for you. you came over and started a conversation with me while we stood in the corner of the room, watching everyone else dance and mingle. it was just small talk, but i instantly liked you. i wasn't exactly sure why, but i liked you.

          do you remember our dates ditched us, so we were alone? i didn't have a ride home so you offered to drive me or order me an uber. you didn't have to, but you did anyways. no matter how much i told you no. we exchanged numbers and social media's before the night ended and became best friends in a matter of days.

          i remember, you calling me saying you had something very secretive and important you had to share. you made me promise to not tell anyone. you told me, "georgie, i have something to tell you. it must stay a secret. promise me you won't tell anyone." after i swore on my life, you said "i'm leaving for atlanta in a few months to start filming for the new spiderman movie coming out!" i screamed. i was so excited i accidentally let myself say, "oh my god i'm so happy i could kiss you! i love you, i love you, i love you!" well, and the rest is history.

          the point of this letter is: im so happy we're friends again, "i could kiss you. i love you, i love you, i love you!" and i hope you feel the same. if not this is going to be hella awkward.


THE GOOD SIDE ➙ TOM HOLLANDWhere stories live. Discover now