Chapter 4

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"What did I just do? Why did I do that? What was I thinking?! He could tell the whole world he saw me! What if they come scoping the ocean? And we get taken to land and never swim again?!" Allura yelled to her sister.
"Hehe well then you won't be happy with my activities I have done today." Katie said nervously. Allura narrowed her eyes.
"Katie, what did you do?"
"Well if you're thinking I saved a human who fell in the ocean and he may or may not be the same human I've been stalking since I was like 7," she exclaimed, "then you are absolutely right that is what I did." She said in a quiet voice.
"Oh my god." Allura said, her eyes widening. She started to hyperventilate.
"Hey hey calm down. This will all be fine." Katie said secretly panicking too on the inside.
"We need to fix this. Come on." She said.
"How will we fix this?"
"I'm not sure but we're gonna try." They began swimming towards the surface. "Alright so step one is finding those two again." Allura said.
"Well I know where one lives." Katie says. They swim to Keith's house and watch.
"Okay so what now?" Katie asks.
"We really should have planned this better." Allura says, "hey wait, that's the boy who u saw at the dock!" She points to Lance walking up to their door.
"He was on the boat that Keith fell off of! So then they know each other!" Katie said. "And if they're friends, then Keith must be convince him not to hunt us down to like... I don't know whatever humans would do to mermaids."
"How can you be so sure?" Allura asked.
"I know the ins and outs of this boy Allura. We'll probably be fine as long as we just let them be." Katie said as they went back underwater and swam home.

"So we can use your boat and go to the same place that I fell out in." Keith said.
"And then we can catch them red handed!" Lance said.
"Lance, we don't want to catch them. We just want to talk."
"You know I don't mean catch like that. I mean swim around with them, flirt a bit, get some mermaid kisses. What do ya say?"
"I can't swim Lance."
"Okay then we'll work on that."

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