Chapter 2

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(8 years later)
Keith walked along the dock with his earbuds in. He was listening to your typical emo playlist. He had been invited to go for a boat ride with his friends Lance and Hunk.
'Where exactly is your boat?' He texted Lance.
'Second dock to the left. All the way down.' He replied. Keith followed those directions and found the boat.
"Finally you're here. We were about to leave without you." Lance teased.
"You know I would've told you if I wasn't coming Lance." He said with a sense of snarkyness in his voice.
"Yeah he wouldn't miss a boat ride." Hunk added, "Cause he gets the perfect opportunity to look for his mer-girlfriend."
"I've told you a million times Hunk. I was 10."
"And even though you were 10, you still insist you know what you saw." Lance says.
"Look can we just go already." Keith says.
"Sheesh Keith. We're only teasing." Hunk says. Lance then starts up the boat and they pull out of the dock. Once they get to open waters, they speed out into the blue. Keith looks over the edge at the water. Even if he saw her 8 years ago, he still looks for her in the water. Even if he doesn't realize.
"Buoy!" Lance shouts making a sharp turn. When he makes this turn, the energy that it produces forces Keith into the water.
"Lance stop! Keith just fell in!" Hunk shouts frantic. The boat immediately stops and they quickly spin around to look for him. As Keith sinks into the water, his life flashes before his eyes.
'Is this it?' He thinks, 'Am I... dying?' He feels himself loosing consciousness when all of the sudden someone comes and blows air into his mouth. He opens his eyes to just see long honey colored hair in his face. The being then swims behind him to lift him out of the water. He feels a tail brush up against his legs as they approach the surface.
'It's her.' He thinks. He emerges out of the water and Hunk and Lance spot him.
"Over there!" Lance shouts turning the boat to go get him. They pull him out of the water and wrap him in a thousand towels.
"Are You okay?" Hunk asks him.
"I saw her." Keith says. "The mermaid. She saved me."
"Okay. Too much salt water for you." Lance says. "Let's get you home."

Kidge story, Mermaid auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant