The Reunion

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I decided to write you a little prologue MissSmileandDream 😉

I sincerely hope you enjoy this last chapter!!
(Picture up top is Margaux!)

A week.

She had only been in her new home amongst the other villagers for a week, and she felt that she fit right in.
Upon arriving a week ago, Margaux had walked through the gates of the new town.

Her new town.

A week ago she'd walked up the cobblestone road.
She'd gazed in amazement at the buildings and the people, even if they only shot her weary glares.
And it had only been a week ago that the guards had confronted her for her identity, and a woman in stunning white came to investigate her, pushing through the guards.
"Your brother sends his regards," were Margaux 's words to the woman, and she was taken in under her care ever since.
They'd grown as friends quickly, trading tales of their childhood and spending many a day gazing up at the bright sky above them.
Eowyn would tell Margaux of the darkness that had been brought to their town, and Margaux was determined to help reverse it.

Everyday she would help those in the town who needed aid alongside Eowyn; helping the elders and playing with the children.
To her, this was all so perfect!

One day, as she sat in her chambers, in her home, flipping throuh the pages of a book, Eowyn rushed into her room with an excited grin.

"I saw four men on horse back riding towards our gates! They're heading into the Golden Hall now!"
Was all she had to say before Margaux was on her feet and running through her door and up the dirt street, toward's hall of Meduseld.
By the time she made it outside, she'd lost sight of Eowyn and found herself standing on the steps outside.
She asked the guards where the visitors had gone, and they'd told her they had just been permitted into the Golden Hall, but that they could not let her in just yet.

Just as she was about to head back to her home in defeat, many shouts sounded through the wood of the Hall's doors. The yelling and pained grunts stopped all the sudden, bringing a quiet to the town again.

And then, after what seemed far too long a time, the doors were thrown open, and Margaux had to quickly climb back down the stairs and stand off to the side of the road as a few guards, who were dragging a grimy man dressed in black behind them, came through the doors and stood at the top of the stairs.
They shoved the man hard in the back, and he tumbled down the stairs with a yelp.

Margaux, though usually she would, felt no remorse for this man. Eowyn had told her stories of how he haunted her highness's steps, and how he never gave her a moment's rest. The town's people were weary of him, so Margaux was too.
Soon a crowd was formed to watch, and Margaux was lost in it.
And there, out of the hall, strode the king! Margaux sucked in a breath of shock, which soon turned to a sigh of annoyance when a couple stood in front of her, blocking her view of what was happening.

She heard the king yelling at Worm-tongue, as he was called, but she saw none of what was happening.
A clang of metal, and a voice, broke through Margaux 's frustrated thoughts.

She knew that voice. It sounded so....familiar!

The king asked for his son just then, and the crowd gathered began to mutter and lower their eyes in sadness.
Even Margaux had heard the rumors, and apparently, they seemed to be true.
The king Théoden's son, Théodread, was dead.
It was said he had died while under the care of the healers of the town, after a battle he'd been in, though Margaux hardly knew all the details.

The crowd started to disband, taking Margaux along with them.

But she'd recognized that one voice.....she had to see who it belonged to!

She was then thrown into helping the others prepare for the funeral that was to take place for the king's son. She watched as he was laid onto a thin cot and carried down a dirt road to the burial grounds of the royals of Edoras.
There Eowyn sang a poem for her cousin, one in their native language.
Soon Théodead was laid to rest in the hill side, and a stone door closed him off from the outside world.

Though she never knew the man, seeing the pain at his loss on the people's faces made Margaux grieve with them.
She walked with Eowyn up to the Golden Hall, trying to console her friend with a friendly smile and light conversation.

They made into the hall and took a seat by one of the tables along the far sides of the walls. There they waited for dinner to be served, as they did every evening together.
Their quiet conversation was cut short when a guard opened the doors just then, and led three travelers into the Hall.

Margaux's sharp intake of breath brought their attention to her, but she hardly cared about the sudden attention on her.

For there stood a man, a dwarf, and an elf she was QUITE familiar with.
"Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas!" She cried as she sprang from the table and ran towards them.

Gimli smiled wildly and cried out in surprise.
Aragorn only grinned wide and Legolas's eyes lit up as bright as his smile.

Margaux ran right past Gimli and Aragorn and leapt into Legolas's arms, who spun her around with a surprised chuckle.

"I had a feeling our parting would not be the last I saw of your ever smiling face," he whispered, barley containing his joy.

"I had hoped the same Legolas," Margaux laughed, placing a couple light kisses on his cheek.

Many days passed, and the hunters remained in Edoras. Durning which time, Margaux was almost always seen in the company of Legolas, walking hand in hand down the streets and showing him around her new home.

For hours on end, Legolas would speak to her of the Fellowship he had been apart of, and how his journeying led him to Rohan in the first place.
He introduced her to Gandalf, of whom she got along quite well with.
He also informed her that their lost companions, the Hobbits, were safe, though out of their reach for now.
They even continued their practice with her father's blade, with Eowyn watching Margaux's progress with excitement.

Soon talk began to arise of an oncoming battle, and the fleeing of the city.

Though she was frightened by such news, Legolas's promise to her the day before, to never leave her side or see her come to harm, calmed her; and gave her courage to march on in her new life.

No matter where her new life took her, she knew she could count on her elf to be there from now on, always and forever more.


(1193 words)

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