The Meeting

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"Their pace has quickened. They must have caught our sent. Hurry!"
Aragorn called over his shoulder to his companions, then stood from his place on the ground and took off in a dead sprint across the bare plains.

"Come on, Gimli!"
Legolas turned and called back to his dwarven companion as he raced after Aragorn.

"Three day's and night's food, no rest, and no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell."
Gimli grumbled as he trudged up the hill after his friends, his heavy cloths and weapons causing the dwarf to pant and gasp in exhaustion.

The Three Hunter's journey across the plains had been an exhausting one thus far, the hot sun beating down on their backs and with no water to quench their thirsts.
But they cared not, for their friend's lives were on the line as they chased after them on foot across the plains of Rohan. Ever closer they came to their quarry as they ran over the rough terrain.
At long last, the sun began to set, casting an orange glow over their figures as they continued to run.

"I cannot....walk...a step...further!"
Gimli panted, plopping down onto the ground with a heaving thud.

Aragorn slowed to a walk as he approached his dwarven friend.
"Very well. We will rest here for a couple of hours, then continue after the Uraki."
He took a seat beside Gimli on the cool, hard earth.

Gimli grumbled to himself as he set down his heavy war axe.
"A bit of food would be appreciated right about now. I feel as though I have not eaten in days!"
He complained.

"That's because you haven't."
Aragorn reminded him with a grin.

Legolas still stood upon a large rock, further away from the ranger and dwarf, viewing his surroundings tirelessly.
Looking far off into the distance, his brilliant blue eyes caught a flickering light on the now dark and fields.

Fire light.

Using this light, he saw a small village nestled seemingly on top of the horizon from where they sat.
With a small smile, he turned back to Gimli.
"Well my friend, it seems your desire for food may yet be fulfilled."


They had trekked for around an hour when they finally came to the entrance of the small town. Two guards stood out on patrol, their tall wooden spears held high in their gloved hands. One of the two spotted the trio and yelled out to his companion, who raised his spear in defense.

Aragorn held his hands up, away from his sides. Legolas and Gimli followed his example.

"We do not pose a threat to you or your people. We merely wish for a place to stay for the night, where we could perhaps find food, water, and shelter from the cool night air."
He stated calmly.

Both the guards looked at one another, silently conveying to one another as to how they should handle this situation.

Finally, they nodded to one another.
"You shall follow us."
The first guard stated sternly.

Aragorn nodded, motioning for Legolas and Gimli to follow after him.
Silently, they were led into the small town.

Margaux's POV.

I sat on a small cot in my room, the thin bedding sagging slightly beneath my weight as I rested my hands underneath my chin, starring out a small window across from the cot. The stars above looked so far away from me, twinkling high up in the midnight sky.
They looked so beautiful, so bright, and so free!

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